Enjoy the Descent of Bolon Yok'te Ku!

Dec 20, 2012 18:40

I almost forgot to wish everyone well! Not for holidays or any other such rot, but for the end of our history as we know it! The Eschaton (pronounced EH-ska-ton) arrives tomorrow. Finally! Terrence McKenna's coined the term to refer to a theory of his called the Novelty Theory. The Eschaton is the completion of the universe being pulled from the future to a point where complexity becomes infinite, a kind of spiritual Singularity. From his book:

What is happening to our world is ingression of novelty toward what Whitehead called "concrescence", a tightening gyre. Everything is flowing together. The "autopoietic lapis", the alchemical stone at the end of time, coalesces when everything flows together. When the laws of physics are obviated, the universe disappears, and what is left is the tightly bound plenum, the monad, able to express itself for itself, rather than only able to cast a shadow into physis as its reflection. I come very close here to classical millenarian and apocalyptic thought in my view of the rate at which change is accelerating. From the way the gyre is tightening, I predict that the concrescence will occur soon-around 2012 AD. It will be the entry of our species into hyperspace, but it will appear to be the end of physical laws accompanied by the release of the mind into the imagination.

(McKenna, Terence New Maps of Hyperspace 1989.)

McKenna leaped upon the December 21, 2112 date after reading about a Mayan researcher noting that the 13th Baktun was coming to an end then, and revised the second and later editions of his 1973 book, Invisible Landscape. But nevermind the trippy hippy McKenna and his 'shroom-powered fever dream of a coming transformation. What do the Maya have to say about the end of this Baktun?

There is precisely one Mayan inscription, among all of the thousands that survive, which even mentions the date. This is on Stela 6 a Tortugero, a minor Mayan ruin in the Mexican state of Tabasco, and it runs as follows:

The thirteenth baktun will be finished
Four Ahau, three Kankin
[illegible] will occur
[it will be] the descent of Bolon Yok'te Ku to [illegible].

That's all. Bolon Yok'te Ku is a Mayan god; his name means "Nine Foot Tree" and it's been suggested that he has some relationship to the world tree, an important symbol in traditional Mayan spirituality, but nobody knows for sure.

(John Michael Greer, Apocalypse Not: Everything You Know About 2012, Nostradamus and the Rapture is Wrong, Viva Editions, 2011, p. 155.)

Nine Foot Tree day! Where [something] will happen!

voodoo & woo-woo, random silliness

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