Welcome to Challenge Ten: Villain.This time the focus in on the villains. This means you can icon any character while they are in the role of villains. This includes 'good characters' who turn into villains later on or villains who redeem themselves as long as you icon them in villain state.
Deadline: 31st July,2018
gettingdrastic random_fandom_0 be_my_precious nightbulbsTHE RULES:
1. All icons MUST be based on a Period Drama that is either from film or TV.
2. Icons submitted must be NEW and never posted before.
3. Icons MUST be 100px by 100px. Animation will only be allowed when included in a challenge.
4. Each fortnight a challenge post WILL be put up with a theme.
5. Participants will have TWO WEEKS to make and submit their icons.
6. Participants can submit up to FIVE icons per challenge, and can submit them either by commenting on the challenge post OR posting it on the community. When posting on the community make sure you put ‘Challenge No. - [Your Username]’ and tag it under the specific challenge tag & your username tag. The mods will add your username tag once you have submitted one icon post for the challenge.
7. Got any questions, ASK them below.
No. of icons entered: 20