Tristan's 1!

Oct 25, 2010 21:22

As of yesterday, that is. I know, I suck at updating. I really do. But the quick stats:

30.5" - 75% for height
22lb 13oz - 50-75th% for weight
head at the 50%

Apparently he's ahead for language, which was surprising to me. It seems like we know a lot of babies who are more verbal. According to the ped we say today, the "norm" is mama and 2 other words. Tristan says: Mama, Dada, Cat, That, and is working on Light. He also signs drink, nurse, and more, and sometimes eat, and a couple times, he has signed "brush teeth" when I tell him that's what we're going to do next. Which seems really random, but he does love chewing on his toothbrush.

He's really into pointing and saying "That?", which sounds more like "Dat?" but is pretty understandable anyhow. It's really cute. He has been "Dat? Dat? Dat?"ing at everything for the last week or so. "Light" is a tricky one. At first it sounded like mumble-T, with a very distinct "t" at the end. But he's gotten it to iiiii-t.

He is very mobile. As soon as he learned to crawl normally, he started to pull up, and then to cruise. He can now pull up and cruise nearly anything, including the little shopping cart, the yoga ball, and my pantlegs.

...and he's awake and I gotta go. Pics later!

development, tristan

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