Title: At Worlds' End
perilouspollyBeta: Peg-leg Pete, the pirate cat
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A
Sandman crossover. Given the title of the third movie, it just had to be done, so here's yet another version of the final installment of the Pirates saga.
Disclaimer: The Mouse owns the Pirates, Neil Gaiman the Endless, and it's too much fun having commandeered them for a while.
Warnings: Influenced by mild AWE spoilers. Also contains minor spoilers for the Sandman series.
Chapter I:
Up She RisesChapter II:
Payment for the CaptainChapter III:
Fair TradeChapter IV:
A Reality StormChapter V:
The Pub at Worlds' EndChapter VI:
Seeking DestructionChapter VII:
Journey to HellChapter VIII:
The Land of NodChapter IX:
The Captain's DaughterChapter X:
To The DepthsChapter XI:
Sea Impress