Jul 08, 2007 20:46
So it's been, what, five years?
Not even close, but I'm far too lazy to really count it out.
Anyway, I love the UK. I loved it last time, but now I've had a lot more time to take it in. It's also very different depending on who you're experiencing it with. I've had the best time with the Cohagens, but it was time to move on, so I'm now sitting in Amy's house in Rugby. Still, I had a good long run in Scotland and then London. I expect maybe I'll pop into London once more before I go, and maybe even with Cambridge, but that's not for certain. Still, I had quite a fill of it this time around. It's very different to stay there than to just go in for a day.
To sum up Scotland: 4 miles into town and back, Primark and 2£ shoes that are still too big for my teeny feet even in the smallest size, coming full circle with the Pirates trilogy, bookswitching, ye olde retarded Prince of Persia, sticky toffee pudding with extra sticky, Potter prophesies, imdb love, messy food + vague recipes + wine = a most delicious meal, cliff climbing and rock jumping leads to seals!
To sum up London: 10K+ walk, lovely London weather, Phantom of the Opera, Lord of the Rings: The Musical complete with Strider Shatner and backflipping orcs (the stage was amazing though, and such lovely sticks!), conveyor belt sushi, full English breakfast, Camden Market coolness, the metro pack-and-rush.
It's all quite nuts. But I love it. Also, I am getting a chance to really immerse myself in this culture that is rather unkind to Americans. I'm tempted so often to affect a British accent. I feel rather uncouth with my aMeRiCaN accent.
riding a subway
riding a train alone
seeing a non-school musical (or two)
having wine with dinner
staying long term with non-blood relatives
oh, and the whole traveling overseas alone thing.