Fanfiction Requests, anyone?

Dec 08, 2011 00:25

I was going to be all cool and make this a voice post, but LJ doesn't seem to want to let me do that. So I did this instead. If you care to know what I sound like, click away. Otherwise, here's what I said in the audio file:

"Hello, f-list! This was going to be a super cool voice post from LJ, but every time I try to dial that number I get a busy tone, so I decided to do this instead. Just because.

Anyway, I am posting for a reason…given that it’s the holiday season and I’ve been in a mood to write lately, I thought I would open up requests for fanfiction. Feel free to list any character or pairing you want, but please keep it within fandoms that I’m familiar with. Those would be Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Doctor Who, and Greek Mythology, mainly. If you know me well and know some other more obscure fandoms that I’m interested in, feel free to throw those out as well! I’m thinking these gifts will be roughly 500-1,000 words in length, and I’d try to have them done by the first of January. So they’d be semi-late Christmas-or Hannukah-or whatever you celebrate-- presents, but presents all the same!

I’ll also open it up to icons, graphics, or fanmixes, if that is what you would prefer.

Anyway, if you’re interested, please leave me a comment and fill out the little request form thing that I’ve stuck below this post-because I like to be organized that way. I’m not sure how many people actively read my journal anymore, but even if you just randomly happen to come across this post, or know me from elsewhere on LJ, feel free to make a request! It doesn’t really matter if I know you or not.

Happy holidays!"

So fill away, people!

Preferred Rating:

As of December 29, 2011, requests are closed. Thanks to those who sent in requests and I'll try and have them done for you as soon as possible!

requests, voice post, fanfiction

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