Deathly Hallows Part 2

Jul 22, 2011 21:34

Now that I've seen it *cough*fourtimes*cough* I think I can write down a fairly good review of it.

I don't think I've ever cried like this at a movie before. I was almost afraid to walk into that theatre because I knew this was it--this was the end of my childhood, the consummation of thirteen years of my life. No more books, and no more movies. The last midnight premiere.

First of all, I'm glad they decided to spread out the last book over two movies. Though it's not the longest one by far, it does have the most action and the most plot. And it allowed for a rather spectacular battle sequence. But before I get into that I'm going to talk about my favorite characters in this film.

Minerva McGonagall

LOOK AT HER. WHAT A BAMF. McG's getting on in age--and so is Maggie Smith--but look at the way she chased Snape out of a fucking window LIKE A BOSS! And how cute was that bit about Pier Totem Locomotor (or whatever) secretly being a spell she'd always wanted to use? She's like a ninja; you think she's gotten too old to even wave her wand and then BAM!

Neville Longbottom

Look at this kid. If Neville's bad-ass Auror parents were around to see him, they would be so freaking proud of him. Neville stuck it to the man. He led the other Gryffindors while Harry was gone. He got rid of a shit ton of werewolves and sliced Nagini's fucking head off. Who says he couldn't have been the Chosen One? Awesome runs in the family.

Molly Weasley

Just for that. That single awesome moment. I still think it would have been ten times more awesome if Neville had been the one to finish off Bellatrix, but he was a bit busy playing with the sword of Gryffindor so I'm glad Molly got to show how fierce she can be.

Anywho, the Battle of Hogwarts took up the majority of the movie and because they never did S.P.E.W, they had to change up the epic kiss scene between Ron and Hermione, so that it happened in the Chamber of Secrets instead of in front of Harry. I didn't have a problem with that, but given that this was like, one of the most anticipated moments in fandom for ten years, I thought it was sort of...weak. I mean...

Okay, when it's all slo-mo it looks ten times more epic, but there was a completely pointless ten-second shot of the chamber as they went at it and I was like "WHO CARES ABOUT THE FUCKING CHAMBER, SHOW ME THE GOOD STUFF!" Maybe that was just me.

I'm not even going to go into the lack of chemistry between Dan and Bonnie. It's and a brick wall.

Anywho, getting on to the part that I'm probably going to ramble about the most...Snape's death/memories.


First of all? That's when I started crying. Snape got a really violent death--and I mean, that's what happened in the book, but it was still pretty intense. His entire death sequence was actually really heartbreaking and I would say it impacted me more than it did in the books. But then we get to the memory bits.

WHO ARE THESE TWO CUTIES? I love the cast they chose for young!Lily and young!Snape. My only qualm was that Lily's eyes were BROWN, which are not only nowhere near green but they aren't even the same color as DanRad's. And they didn't really spend a lot of time elaborating on their friendship, but with the time constraints, I'm not surprised.

This is going to be my new ship gif okay. I am going to use it for everything. I am glad they could find a place to stick that unused ten-year-old footage. I won't complain about their ages, I'm done ranting about that.

The final battle between Harry and Voldy was just as melodramatic as in the books, despite their efforts to amp it up. xD There's just really nothing to be done with a scene that ends with Voldemort dying from "Expelliarmus." HOWEVER, the Crapilogue made me CRY. I think it was the music at the end that did it. It's from the first movie and it reminded me of how I felt when this whole thing started, and also of the fact that it is now over.

Except, when I think about it, it's really not. Because I REFUSE TO ACCEPT IT. And so does my little corner of the internet where everything is Harry Potter and nothing hurts.

my life is over, deathly hallows, the end, harry potter, gif dump

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