fall semester rant

Dec 11, 2008 12:59

So much has happened this semester. I think I want to write about it. If you don't want to read, that's fine with me.

Let's start at the beginning of the semester.

September. I had been looking forward to coming back to school, because last year was just so much fun. It was spontaneous and full of laughter and amazingness. So of course I couldn't wait to get that started again. I had to move into the Cunninghams and my friends were all in Arc, but I thought I would be okay.

I think after the first couple days I cried because I missed last year so much.

Looking back, it seems kind of stupid, but I felt really disconnected from everyone. It might have been because my roommate wasn't very good at English, but I don't know.

Then Petrock started looking into sorority recruitment.

At the beginning, I was really against it. I knew things would change if she joined a sorority and I didn't want it to. But then I had to get curious, and I decided I shouldn't make judgements on something I don't know anything about, so I decided to go through recruitment with her. We went to some open houses and then it was bid day.

I wish I could go back to that day, when I still had the two bid cards in my hand. I wish I could have walked away.

But I walked AST, and Petrock walked Tri-Sigma, and that's when things got a whole lot worse.

October. Katie and I saw less and less of Petrock every day, until it seemed like we hadn't seen her in weeks. When we did see her, it was usually only for a meal. Meanwhile, I still had a lot of time to myself and I didn't seem to be bonding with my new sorority.

Around this time, I went through a room change. I decided that things were not going to get better for me and Iris, so I filled out the paperwork and transferred into Arc a couple weeks before Halloween. I had only met my new roommate once, and if I had known anything at all about her I wouldn't have moved in.

Let me paint you a picture of Karli, my roommate from hell:
-Our room is divided by a line of STUFF. You can't see the floor on her side.
-Over half the room belongs to her.
-The sink is always covered with hair and who knows what else, and her boyfriend always shaves in our shower and leaves clumps of his nasty hair everywhere.
-This dumbass boyfriend apparently lives with her, because I have never seen him spend a night in his own room.
-They are also apparently in all the same classes.
-She's inconsiderate and selfish. What Karli wants, Karli gets.

Aside from that, she also sleeps half the day.


So while I was going from bad to worse, Petrock was going from worse to worser. One day in the middle of our pledging period, she couldn't even get up from bed because her body just completely broke down from all the stress. I felt so bad that she could hardly find the time to even send a text message, and then to hear that she was still having so much fun I was a little confused. If you aren't getting any sleep, can't get any school work done, and don't even have time to call your friends, how are you still happy? Sometimes I still don't understand it, but then Petrock and I are different people. I'm just glad she picked the right sorority.

November. At the beginning of the month, Petrock and I were both initiated. Gradually, she got more free time. However, the stress load was starting to weigh down on me.

Being in 3 studio art classes, I got projects on a regular basis that were very time-involved. For awhile now, I had been half-assing these projects because I didn't have the time to finish them, between my new responsibilities to AST and trying to find quiet places to study and get away from my room. I was losing my focus, and it showed in my art. I got consistent C's.

I started spending as much time as I could in the library. I felt like I did back in high school, when I used to spend my lunch hours in the solitude of the library with a couple of my friends. Except now I was alone, just trying to escape. I would take my computer there and just listen to music, or chill out. It wasn't like I went there only to study.

And I hated it. I hated that I couldn't even spend time in my room. But I just couldn't stand it there. If I had to hear that stupid TV anymore, I was going to crack.

I decided to apply to be an RA for the spring semester. I'd been thinking about it for awhile, and the fact that I would get my own room pushed me to apply. I wanted to get away so bad, that was all I thought about for awhile. But don't get me wrong, I was also really excited about the position itself.

I was appointed an executive position in my sorority, which I don't think I should have accepted. I wasn't entirely sure how to do my job, and as time went on I found I was caring less and less about it. Especially when we got two resignation letters, and our president started lecturing on how our chapter was falling apart and we really needed to step it up for recruitment.

Honestly, I don't care anymore. I don't care at all. I am so close to dropping out. I've gone over opening lines for my resignation letter in my head.

December. Though we only had two weeks to get through this month, they have been the longest two weeks I have ever experienced at school. Things are looking up now, though. Last week, I had my RA interview, and just yesterday I got an email saying I'd been hired. Needless to say, I'm extremely excited that this will be my last night in Hell, and then I can leave it behind me. Also, my parents are going to help me buy a car! How awesome is that?!

I've also been seeing a lot more of Petrock, which has made me happier than I have been in awhile. I've missed having our Bamma time, and it's so great to feel some semblance of what we had last year.

I've been uberstressed over all the final stuff, though. I had to rush to finish all my projects for art, and I still got a C on two of my portfolios. The only class that I feel like I did well in is 2D design. I am very worried about French. That class was so hard.

Tomorrow is my last final, and then I can go home and go Christmas shopping and take behind the wheel and get my car and some stuff for my new room. I can plan some things for my job. I can get away from school and relax.

I never thought I'd be happy to leave Longwood, but things are always changing. And honestly, I'm okay now. I still love it here. I've just had a rough semester.

At least there haven't been any boys. :)

college, rants, life

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