Aug 25, 2011 20:23


It's that most wonderful time of the semester! Here's my usual quick and dirty look at the characters under my control for Fall 2011, starting as always with the brand new shiny one Those Most Important Notes To Read If You Read Anything At All notes are in bold for tl;dr-ish-ness ahead. You'll notice I had to drop quite a few characters, but there's still a few left. Hopefully they're worth a look, especially the new one!

Princess Rosella of Daventry, (perilless)
From: King's Quest games by Roberta Williams
Played by: Gwyneth Paltrow

★ Student, senior class
★ 17 years old
★ Human, Daventrian, Medieval Times(ish)
★ Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and slim
★ Favorite color: Blue
★ Favorite food: Chocolate bon bons
★ Favorite song: Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkston

Princess Rosella of Daventry fell in love with Fandom Island the moment she first set foot on it when visiting her brother, Alexander, who attended this previous year. Despite the fact that she had always had a blessed life, Rosella's heart has always yearned for more adventure. After her brother was kidnapped as an infant, her parents wound up showering their remaining daughter with affection and attention. As a result, Rosella has had extensive training to be a ruler one day and, as a result, she can also be a little spoiled, entitled, and selfish. She still has a graceful heart, though, and especially a self-sacrificing one. When a three-headed dragon threatened Daventry with destruction, Rosella willingly offered herself as a sacrifice to save the kingdom. She inherited her father's thirst for adventure and resents her mother's wishes to have her married off. She doesn't want to be held down by marriage. Not yet, at least! So she's convinced her mother to let her take Alexander's last year at Fandom High and, hopefully, that'll give her time to put off marriage even longer and have a few grand, exciting adventures!

Determined, dedicated, and a little bit spoiled, a mischievous princess who just wants to be free like the wind.

King Alexander of the Land of the Green Isles, (daventryprince)
From: King's Quest games by Roberta Williams
Voiced and Played by: Robby Benson

★ Expatriate, King of the Land of the Green Isles
★ 17 years old
★ Human, Daventrian, Medieval Times
★ Black hair, grey eyes, tall and muscular
★ Favorite color: Blue
★ Favorite food: Coffee flavored ice cream
★ Favorite song: The Invisible Man

King Alexander of the Land of the Green Isles, formerly Prince Alexander of Daventry, has had an interesting life. Starting as a lowly slave in the house of an evil magician by the name of Manannan, Alexander has since defeated the magician, discovered his true heritage as the long-lost son of King Graham and Queen Valanice, and then attended Fandom High to learn how to be more social after a lifetime of enslavement. All the while, Alexander was on the constant look-out for a woman by the name of Cassima, a princess he had met when his castle was abducted by Manannan's brother, Mordack. Recently, he found Cassima and, with a company of his best friends, traveled to her land to discover it in great peril. Leave it to the prince to step up to the challenge of liberating the Land of the Green Isles from an evil vizier. His reward was to marry the princess and earn the title of ruler of the land! Sure, he might not have graduated from Fandom High as originally planned, but he'll gladly take this happy ever after any day! Though he may be king now, he hopes to never lose his ties to the world that influenced so much of his life in the past year. Alexander is a wizard, and a fairly powerful one at that, though he does not particularly like this aspect of himself. However, your characters are free to pick up on his magical abilities if you're inclined that way. He's mostly private, though polite; his harsh upbringing as a slave has impacted him profoundly, and sometimes he slips back into being more of a servant than a prince or king. He happily keeps the doors to the Land of the Green Isles open to any Fandomite who might be inclined to visit his lovely new land.

Romantic, resourceful, and strong of both body and heart, a magical king contented in his happy ever after with his beautiful wife.

Leopold "Butters" Stotch (geewhizfellas)
From: South Park
Played by: Mitch Hewer
Voiced by: Matt Stone

★ Student, Freshman class
★ 14 years old
★ Human, American, Modern
★ Blonde hair, blue eyes,approximately 5'7"
★ Speaks with a slight Southern sounding accent
★ Favorite color: Blue
★ Favorite food: Apples
★ Favorite song: If You Leave Me Now by Chicago
★ Lives in Room 216 with Sam LaCroix
★ Works at Fixer Uppers on Mondays and the Post Office on Thursdays
★ Hosts the Big Texas Butters radio show on Monday mornings (subject to change!)

Butters (yes, even his parents call him that) is from the small podunk town of South Park, Colorado, a place where so much absurdity occurs on a regular basis that Fandom Island may at times seem almost boring...which will be a very blessed relief. He is (usually) incredibly sweet and innocent, almost in direct contrast to the constant abuse he is put through. Not only does he have extremely strict parents prone to hysteria, but he also has a friend who usually don't think twice about picking Butters to do their more embarrassing, disgusting, or depraved whims. If your character is one to enjoy having a whipping boy, I fully encourage you to take advantage of Butters. While he does have a breaking point, it takes an awful lot to get him to that point, and it's just Butters' lot in life to be shit on. He loves to sing and dance, though he won't tap dance. Not anymore. Not after killing eight people with his tap dancing. Twice.

An all-around, honest-to-goodness, aw-shucks sort of fella...who has been through some seriously [BEEP]ed up shit.

Captain Shunsui Kyōraku, (sake_shinigami)
From: Bleach by Tite Kubo
Voiced by: Akio Otsuka

★ Teacher, The Art(s) of War and Pacifism
★ Thousands of years dead, looks about late thirties
★ Shinigami, Japanese, Ancient Era
★ Long curly hair, grey eyes, tall and muscular, hairy chested and scruffy chinned!
★ Is always wearing a traditional black robe with a flowery pink haori over his shoulders and a large straw hat. Also, blue flower barretts in his hair
★ Favorite color: Pink
★ Favorite food: Sake
★ Favorite song: Por un Cabeza by Carlos Garbel
★ Lives at MCA #5 ("The Bachelor Pad")
★ Holds Office #21, usually on Fridays
★ Also owns Turtle & Canary, and works there some Tuesdays

Shunsui lives for three things: sake, women, and more women. A lazy pacifist with a penchant for poetry and an extreme appreciation of beauty, he came to Fandom Island to escape a building war back in the Soul Society, his world's version of the afterlife, where he is a captain in a division of the heirarchy of Shinigami, Death Gods or Soul Reapers who help protect souls from soul-eating monsters called Hollows. His speech is so flowery that it's littered with hearts, and he has a great appreciation for women. If you are female and over the age of 20, he will hit on you. If you are female and under the age of 20, he will still shower you with affection, but it will be more of an encouraging sort rather than a trying-to-bed-you sort. He is also a terrible, shameless drunk and will likely offer to have you drink with him. On either account, the sake or the sexing, he's used to people refusing him, but he does so love it when they don't ♥! Despite his lazy, aloof manner, Shunsui is actually incredibly power. He is a Soul, meaning he is dead, and as a Shinigami, he has a great deal of power and spiritual energy. Feel free to notice; he will also notice yours if you have some, but he is not likely to say anything except perhaps in suggestive passing. Please let me know if there should be any exceptions/considerations for this!!!

A poetic and lazy drunkard of a dead soul reaper who just wants to appreciate life and ladies.


Skylie, Queen of Buttfaces, (diraskyria)
(Writer. Scholar. Retail worker. Twenty seven. Weetiny. Rerrible at OOC communication. Wishes she was better. Spaz. Shy. Super flighty. Super flighty availability. Slow play affectionato. Cat Lady. Dancing Queen. Dating a De Lorean driver. GIF monster. Living with mouthy_merc. Is right behind you now, Charlene.)

So there you have it! Bring me your cakes, your questions, or your awesome GIFs.

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