Feb 17, 2007 00:33
These are the things I do now that I'm too busy to be social:
1. Study/Read...
a. for class.
b. for the Literature GRE in April.
c. for the thesis (or at least I should be).
d. in the library, at home, with a friend.
2. Work for very minimal pay at two internships.
3. Cook and eat good food, especially with Ivy on Wednesdays.
4. Work out in Aerobics twice a week and occasionally with Ivy.
5. Keep up with the Joneses by reading The Guardian, CNN, BBC, Le Monde, Al Jazeera.
6. Obsess about the future, including this summer and the possibilities of grad school.
7. Knit scarves for the Hand Maids, a group at my family's church that make scarves et al for the less fortunate.
8. Waste time that should be spent being productive.
9. Check out books from the library:
a. 32 books checked out from USC libraries.
b. 6 books checked out on Interlibrary Loan.
10. Print 3x5 notecards to study for the Literature GRE.
a. To date, about 750 printed.
11. Devise evil plots to destroy those who attacked my car.
12. Sleep.
Sorry for being entirely boring. Here's something to cheer y'all up:
"He is the very pineapple of politeness."
-Mrs. Malaprop in Sheridan's "The Rivals"
Further, in the selfsame play, there's a character named Captain Jack Absolute. Too bad, I'm not drinking alcohol these days.
(Just you wait until this semester is over; that's when I'll come out to play.)