The Dark is Rising

Jan 28, 2007 12:28

Soooo. I finished The Dark is Rising sequence.

And I thought that it had the crappiest crap ending in the world. What the hell was that? They forgot? You can't make them forget everything that happened in all the five books!!!! NO. N. O. It is NOT ALLOWED.


But, other than my great hatred of the final two pages (though I did like the way the last part, after they forgot, was written), I enjoyed the series. It's interesting.

Favorite book: Greenwitch. I liked seeing Will from a different POV. He really does seem like an Old One, not just an 11 year old kid who discovered he had to help prevent the Dark from rising.

Favorite character: Jane. Although I didn't really care one way or the other for her in Over Sea, Under Stone, I really grew to like her in Greenwitch. She grew mentally and became a respectable person.

Something to think about: The merging of Old Will and kid Will. I always view him as one or the other, never both together. How he seems to others, and how he seems to himself. I see vestiges of both in lembas7's crossovers (which are really good and should be read: Narnia/Harry Potter/Dark is Rising crossovers, though DiR didn't come in til the last few fics in the series), and that's really the closest I can come to seeing all of Will at once. It's kind of odd. I don't know if I want to get used to it.

Something else to think about: Will really gets the short end of the stick. To go through all that, and then, AND THEN, to be able to speak to no one about it because NO ONE BLOODY REMEMBERS. That's gonna get lonely.


Here's hoping fanfiction helps relieve me of this hate. Though, from what I've seen so far, there's not much written for the series and most of what's there is complete and utter crap. ::sigh::

Anyway, I was going over my spendings of the last 8 months in my head and I have realized that about 50% of my income goes to books and/or anime. But mostly books. Well.

life update, books/reading, myself, the dark is rising

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