Life at 40.....Weight 203#

Aug 16, 2012 13:49

I turned 40 today. It's not as bad as turning 30 was. However, I have learned that loosing weight and being healthy is no longer "easy".

I've joined a gym and am working out twice a week with a trainer for 3 weeks now and am doing cardio on my own, I spend an hour with the trainer twice a week during "circuits" which change every week. It's like doing cardio and weights at the same time. On at lease 2 other days of the week I am doing straight cardio (treadmill and bike) for 30 minutes each.

I'm eating healthier (not healthy yet, but am working on it). My goal for the year of my 40th birthday is to loose ~60# and get to the 140-145# range.

I'll post regularly to keep you updated on my progress.

weight loss

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