In 2010, Jennifer does her version of Julie and Julia

Jan 04, 2010 21:57

I had a week and a half off during the winter holidays and had the opportunity to cook again for Martin. It's something I really enjoy doing, but can't seem to find the time for when I am traveling 5-6 days a week.

Over the winter holiday, I watched the movie Julie and Julia. For those who have not seen it, a woman (Julie)cooks her way though Julia Child's first cookbook, The Art of French Cooking, and makes every recipe in one year (somewhere over 450 dishes). Julie then blogs about her experiences.

While I do not have aspirations to cook my way through "The Art" in a year, this year I have resolved not to make the same dish for Martin twice. I have also resolved to cook for Martin at least once a week (baring the honeymoon week).

Rule 1: I can make him dished I have previously made, but I can only serve each dish one time in 2010.

Rule 2: Martin will do the shopping. For weeks I will be traveling, I will leave Martin a small shopping list and he will have the ingredients in the house when I get home.

Rule 3: Successful dishes go in my "cookbook". I keep a loose leaf binder of dishes we like to facilitate finding them, the next time I want to make the dish. (It is also a great reference for "What do you want to eat tonight?, nights). Currently is contains such favorites as Artichoke Chicken and Buffalo Salmon.

During the winter holidays, I made three new dishes for Martin (Spicy Asian Noodles, Curried Pork and Cauliflower, and Red Wine Candied Apples-very good and Martin got to see me doing Chemistry-). He loved them all. And... I made them in 2009, so they are fair game for a repeat in 2010.

For New Years day I made Salmon with dill sauce, cucumber salad, and cantaloupe melon with prosciutto.

Next week: Hamburger Stroganoff

More menus to follow...

cooking for martin

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