Sweat, snot, and tears. That's what I was covered in leaving the pit tonight. Maybe even a little blood.
So. I'm fucking exhausted, and I should be sleeping, but I was doing one of those puzzle thingies on
chemicalromance, and um yeah it's 2am, I have been awake since 9am YESTERDAY, and I have to wake up at 8:30 TODAY, but I'm writing this. Because I don't want to forget the amazing.
And other various crazy noises.
So. I. I saw MCR for the sixth time today. And it was just as amazing as every other time. BUT, I was never one to get to the point, so I'm going to tell you about ~other things~ first.
So we got there at 12, pretty much. Sara (yes, she has my name and yes, it was confusing), Julian (my 14-year-old brother) and I just wandered around for several hours, getting hot and bored, and looking at merch. Then I harassed Chantal (
escuro_sama) by calling her 4829058 times, and she eventually said, "YEAH I'M PRETTY MUCH HERE." But she couldn't find Gate D, and although it was frustrating at the time, it was also pretty comical. I was like, "DO YOU SEE THE STARSHIP!? WHAT ABOUT THE BIG BALOON THING WITH THE VERIZON LOGO? WHATTTT? OHHH, YOU'RE BY THE FERRIS WHEEL? THAT'S SO WRONG!" Eventually, we found each other THROUGH THE FENCE, and I tried to lead her to the gate, but it was impossible to maintain eye contact. It was HILARIOUS.
When we were going towards the gate to meet her, Jeffree Star walked by. I was like *DOUBLETAKE* "Is that Jeffree Star?" He had the pink hair, the bitchy expression, and the drawn-on eyebrows, so it must have been him. He's so very prettttty.
Anyway, yes. When we met up with Chantal finally, we ate, then went to see Cartel. WHICH WAS CRAZY. I don't even LIKE Cartel, and the pit was feakjo;fkmaefjklmajrsldfka INSANE. WHO MOSHES TO CARTEL?! WTF, MAN. We had to get out after two songs, because a crowd surfer landed on me and I totally got dizzy. I HATE CROWD SURFERS. /anger
So yeah, and the pushing was INSANE. I almost fell. Chantal DID fall, but this dude picked her up a split second later. I was like, wow. He must have been a ~guradian angel~ or something. *shrug*
So then we got water, WHICH WE SORELY NEEDED, and went to the bathroom in the stinky little portapotties (wow, I just realized I have no idea how to spell that LOL). We lost Julian after Cartel, so I flipped out until we found him. He's TINY, and I was afraid he'd like, die. By the way, I should probably mention this was Chantal's first concert, so she was totally dorking out.
As soon as we finished with our ~business~ we went back to the main stage, and sat right outside the crowd while Say Anything played. As soon as they ended, we charged back in for New Found Glory. Which was awesome. We got pretty close, and even though they only played like three songs I knew, it was still fun. Yeah, I don't know any songs from their new album. *shrug* So that was kind of crazy, but less crazy than Cartel, and I have NO IDEA WHY. WTF? IT'S FUCKING CARTEL!
So I should mention that we went in at six, and MCR weren't scheduled to go on until NINE. So we went in three hours early. You'd think that'd guarantee a spot at the barrier, right?
It was not at all an original idea. The first three rows stood motionless while Hellogoodbye played, and I quickly realized that EVERYONE was there for MCR, or at least eveyone in the first five rows. I was in the fourth or fifth, and I had a miserable time during Hellogoodbye's set. Not only do I only know two songs, but there was a security guy standing directly in front of me and blocking my view, AND there were SO MANY crowd surfers. WHO CROWD SURFS TO HELLOGOODBYE?! I have a theory: they must do it because they are painfully bored.
I made some friends in the pit. This one girl, and this guy who was from like KENTUCKY. He recorded me telling him my name so he could look me up on facebook, LOL. And guess who I saw at the show? USELESS AND USELESSER. For those who do not know, these girls worked with me at camp last summer and I mfeoa;fmdkeajfdsklamrodskaf HATE THEM. SO MUCH. Like, I've never hated anyone this much. Useless, whose real name I will not divulge, would just sit around, write her myspace name all over her coke can, not help me with the kids, and RAMBLE INCESSANTLY ABOUT HOW SHE IS MARRIED TO GERARD AND HOW HOT HE IS. WTF MAN. It was SO FUCKING ANNOYING. I hate it when people talk about anyone in MCR that way, but especially Gerard because of how special he is to me. She didn't say ONE WORD about the music all summer. This all ended in a screaming match in the middle of a kickball field, because we had been writing things back and forth to each other on like, the blackboard, and she was all, "WHY DO YOU HATE ME!?" and I responded, "Would you like me to write you an essay on why you irritate me?" So I did. Maybe one day I will post that essay, so you can all have a nice LOL. ANYWAY, she was wearing a tube top, a skirt, and stockings, with her hair all loose and flowing. HOW DOES SHE EXPECT TO LIVE?! She obviously doesn't need to get close to the stage. Gosh. What a POSER. I FUCKING HATE THAT GIRL. /rant
So we waited and waited and waited, and FINALLY, hello dimmed lights, hello Bob, Gerard, Ray, Frank, and replacementMikey. The weirdest thing happened to me, though. Sure, I'm used to crying at MCR shows, but this time? As soon as I spotted Gerard, I started crying. No music, no talking. Just Gerard. And I cried. My mom thinks it was because I was relieved to see them playing, because I was so terrified they would cancel. I think it's because this was the first time I saw him on stage since I met and hugged him. And also, because I'm so proud of him. Whenever I see him on stage, I just get this crazy pride swelling up in my chest. Like, "Yeah, that's my idol. And yeah, he does completely kick ass." In any case, the tears freaked me out a little. I thought for a second I was fangirling, but then I did that test where I'm like, "Okay, let's pretend I'm going to kiss Gerard..." then I made a really disgusted face, and realized, NO, I totally wasn't fangirling, because EW NO.
Sooo, yeah, amazing. They played The Black Parade in order, then:
I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
Cemetery Drive
Give 'Em Hell, Kid
You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison
Damn, just realized, no Venom. Fuck. ANYWAY, yeah. Gerard made a speech about how nothing can stop them. "You can burn us, you can drown us, you can break our bones, you can FUCKING POISON US, and we are NOT GOING TO STOP!" Or something to that effect. It made me VERY happy.
THERE WAS FIRE. SOOOO MUCH FIRE. During... uh. I forget. Definitely during "Mama," and I think "Famous Last Words," too. There was a shower of sparks during "Disenchanted" which I cried in the beginning of because that song reminds me of you, yes you, you know who you are, and why it reminds me, and fuck, you should have been there, you know, you're my best fucking friend but apparently not anymore and I hope you know I was thinking about you today, and that there isn't a day that goes by when I don't. Ahem.
During "Teenagers," Gerard was fucking around with the spotlight, and Bob was totally LOLing at him. I saw this smile on his face, and I just had this AW BOB moment. I have a lot of those. :X And ROFL, Gerard was trying to hide from the spotlight. He was all, "I wonder if I can manage to get away from it... SHIT, THERE ARE TWO OF THEM, OH NOOOO!"
But before "Teenagers," Gerard made one of his suicide speeches, and it totally got to me. He was saying how suicide is never the answer, and if you're feeling depressed, you have to turn to someone you trust. And I realized, that's what I did; I turned to MCR. They helped me, a lot. I was never suicidal, but I would have been if it weren't for MCR, especially Gerard. Every time I had a thought like that, I'd just think, "Gerard would not want me to think like this," and I'd snap out of it. He's amazing. And his speech made me cry, really hard.
There were a couple slashy things, I think. The only one I remember was when Frank got down on his knees in front of Gerard, so he was like, eye-level with his crotch. Nothing too exciting, but it still made me smile.
Frank made me so happy this time. He went to the front of the stage, right near where I was standing (I was on Ray's side, and he moved), and started smiling and singing and generally being a ham, but when it was time for the guitar solo, he pointed at Ray, as if to say, "Okay, now look at him, because he's about to melt your face." Awwww, Frank wants us to realize how amazing Ray is. <3
In case anyone was wondering about the whole
jester hat plan, it was a no-go because I only manged to get to the fourth-ish row. It stayed in Chantal's bag the entire time. BUT, I plan on attending more MCR shows of course, so I will continue to bring it with me, and ONE DAY I shall accomplish my mission.
But generally? Yeah, amazing. I got a lot of injuries, though. Someone kicked me in the back of the head, someone stuck some body part in my right eye, another person kicked me in the temple, an annoying girl was pushing into my back with her bony hands REALLY HARD because she was trying to back up, someone BUSTED MY LIP WITH THEIR SHOE (and I totally tasted blood)... yeah, I'm in pain. Lots of bruises. BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT.
I bought a t-shirt and a poster. Yayyyy. And I'm totally cherishing my ticket stub. <333
Now, to go to sleep, so I can do it allllll over again tomorrow.
P.S. By the way, Chantal got some pictures with her phone, and when she sends them to me, I'll make another post with them.