Double drabble
When hope is lost, there is always a signs to look towards.
The wave of darkness in my heart and in my eyes seem to never want to pass. Our leader had fallen into the abyss.
How could we move on from losing Gandalf? What hope do we have now?
Breathlessly, I tried to keep up with the company as we ran down Dimrill Dale. To what hope do we have now of getting to Mordor?
I felt every step even more painful.
Then Gimli showed us the dark waters of Kheled-zaram; the water refreshed my sagging spirits.I hastened for another attempt to shoulder my burden of grief.
“It was not in vain that Gandalf perished. We will find another way to Mordor,” said Aragorn as he tended to my wounds.
“How can it be the same?” I said, tears misted my eyes as I finally yielded to his ministrations.
“I do not know completely, but we will make it to the next obstacle together,” replied Aragorn determinedly.
The elves overcame us and kept us safe from the orcs.
After some reluctance, they welcomed us to Cerin Amroth. The trees showed an odd luminescence of gold not found anywhere in Middle-earth. Momentarily, I forgot my grief and felt renewed hope return.
i'll post on the community once i find a title. :P