Happy Hobbit Day! (well slightly late)

Sep 28, 2023 23:23

Grey_wonderer asked for Frodo and Bilbo ficlet and here it is... in honor of our most famous hobbits. =) Pre-quest ficlet within

The birthdays after his parents' passing were low key events, and Frodo did not want to celebrate them. Why would he since he felt so alone and no one there to care about him? He did not feel the need to be happy again and birthdays always reminded him of mathoms he had to give. He had rather escaped to the hills and forests alone with his books and wished he were away from Brandy Hall.

However, his young cousin, Merry would remember and always brought him a cake. His uncle Sara and Aunt Esme remembered too and cheered him with his favorite foods. He was grateful, but he felt like it was not the same as his parents being there. He learned to try to be happy with what he had but he missed his parents dearly.

The birthday that Bilbo started appearing, he cheered a little more. Bilbo always made him laugh and Frodo found it funny that he shared a birthday with him.  Bilbo shared stories of his adventures, and treated him like his own son.

“Will you live with me one day, my lad?” asked Bilbo one day when they were observing the stars outside. Bilbo had let him stay up that night and was telling him all about the Middle-earth constellations.

“Will you want me to?” Frodo never thought about the prospect of leaving Brandy Hall but would like to return to Hobbiton where he grew up before his parents' passing.

“Perhaps it can be arranged one day,” said Bilbo with a twinkle in his eye.

On one of their birthdays, Bilbo again came to Brandy Hall to visit and made a special announcement to everyone. “With everyone’s permission, you may know that I am quite old now, 99 to be exact and I need an heir. I would like to formally adopt Frodo as my heir and have him move to Bag End as soon as he is ready.”

“I think Frodo can make the choice of whether he wants to move,” said Esme.

Merry looked sad; he did not want Frodo to go. But he wanted his cousin to be happy too. He did not know what to think.

Frodo did not know to be amazed, happy or sad, but he felt indeed excited at the prospect. He had loved Brandy Hall and would miss Merry but celebrating birthdays with Bilbo sounded even more exciting and he wanted to learn more from his seemingly eccentric yet fun uncle. Their combined birthday parties would be easier to coordinate once he had moved to Bag End. He also looked forward to a new life in Bag End and in Hobbiton where he lived his childhood.

He had decided- he would leave Brandy Hall in a month. He wanted to live with Bilbo and be his heir. He felt very lucky.

“Will you remember to write to me?” asked a despondent looking Merry.

“Yes, I will and i will also visit as much as I can,” replied Frodo. “I will never forget you, Merry-mine and that is a promise to always be there for you too.

The next year, Bilbo threw the most extravagant party yet- he turned 100 and Frodo turned 22. He invited the Brandybucks, Tools, most of his neighbors and he didn’t make it a secret he was happy he had Frodo as his heir. Frodo felt so very welcome and happy in the love and great attention that Bilbo had bestowed to him.  His bed and pillows were new, he had his own office and library and the tunnels of Bag End were endless for him to explore. The pantries were always full and Bilbo did not make any strict rules for him to follow. He was indeed the master of his own home at Bag End.

“Thank you for everything, Bilbo- all this is very wonderful.”

Frodo did make sure to write to Merry and visit Brandy Hall as much as he could since he did miss Merry and wanted to make sure he did not feel sad or left behind. He also invited Merry to come to Hobbiton too.

From Frodo’s birthday from 23 to 32, Bilbo did not skip a beat with extravagant birthdays and mathom giving. Frodo did not remember it being such a special time. The parties and food were the best from his uncle.

The birthdays were not the best part of being with Bilbo- he thought the Elvish lessons, history of Middle-earth and Bilbo’s stories of adventures were the best. He wondered if one day he would have the courage to go on an adventure away from the Shire. He had also met his best friend next door- Samwise was shy but he adored the younger hobbit’s personality and heart.

“Thank you for giving me a home again, uncle,” said Frodo one night to Bilbo when Bilbo tucked him into bed.

“Why, you ‘re quite welcome, my lad. I am glad to be there for you and am grateful for you in my life,” replied Bilbo with a kiss on Frodo’s forehead. “We Baggins stick together through thick and thin. Remember you are special and strong, in here,” Bilbo mentioned to his heart, “and here” and Bilbo pointed to Frodo’s head.

“Do you think one day, I will go on an adventure? Is it scary to go outside of the Shire? Will you bring me to at least Rivendell? I would like to see the elves,” said Frodo thoughtfully.

“It is a far journey and it's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

At the moment, Frodo felt peaceful in his comfortable bed. He would think of adventures later. Right now, he was content to feel so loved by his uncle and grateful for the love he feels daily.


frodo, ficlet, fanfic, bilbo, fanfiction, frodo and bilbo's birthday

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