Plot Bunnies

Sep 02, 2018 21:46

Rereading ROtK lately since i miss it so much and I've come across new things I have not thought of and want answers to! Therefore, here's a list of plot bunnies that hope one day will be written in some way, be it essay or story. :)

1) Denethor and Gondorian policies when it comes to war- So one of my favorite chapters is the Siege of Gondor and i do find Denethor's descent a fascinating one. However, the decision to fight and not fight Mordor at Osgiliath must be decided by not Denethor alone. How about the council? How much sway did Gandalf have to take control of the war in Gondor? Surely there was someone second in command too? Or something decided together with other high ranking officials? Would be great to have a gap-filler or even discussion on this.

On the same thought as Denethor- how long do you think Sauron had controlled his mind through the Palantir? If he had not, would Denethor had done different strategies for his city? Surely he would not have wanted his city to fall and even commanding Faramir to retake Osgiliath wouldn't have been done for they lost a lot of lives!

2) More Ithiliel/Cormallen fics on hobbits' recovery. Link me old good stuff, PLEASE :D

3) What was Gollum hiding/doing in his path to follow Sam and Frodo to Mount Doom? Surely he had a cruel time in Mordor before too. Can someone write a fic on that? ( I think i mentioned before but seriously, he must've been as tormented and we all know his fate is tied to the Ring, but did he know?)
oh i think i wrote a drabble on that before.... need to find it... :P

The Extended scenes made me think of extending the Merry and Eowyn scene while they were riding out to save their friends. Extend the convo!
4) My lady, you are fair and brave and have much to live for, and many who love you. I know it is too late to turn aside. I know there is not much point now in hoping. If I were a knight of Rohan, capable of great deeds. But I’m not. I’m a Hobbit. And I know I can’t save Middle-Earth. I just want to help my friends. Frodo. Sam. Pippin. More than anything, I wish I could see them again.
oh gosh <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

That's it for now. I'm rereading "Scouring" now and will surely have plot bunnies abound soon. ;)

squee, love forever, fanfic, plot bunnies

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