The Naming of Faramir Took

Sep 18, 2015 21:42

This was random, random story...
Ficlet within... 376 words :)

“Pippin! I came as soon as I could!” Merry rushed into Pippin’s home as soon as he heard that Diamond had delivered. “What kind of babe is it?”

Pippin was exhausted; Diamond’s first delivery wasn’t exactly smooth but he was glad the new babe was finally here. “It’s a son! I always wanted a little boy!” Pippin’s weary green eyes glinted with excitement.

“Do you have a name?” asked Merry.

“Why no, I do not. What should I name him, Merry?”

Merry racked his brains. There were no interesting hobbit names. There were boring names like Bruno and Rollo and long names like Hildigrim, Paladin; his own father’s name is Saradoc, frequently abbreviated to “Sara”-a girl’s name! Why his grandfather chose Saradoc , Merry had no idea. Then he thought of Pippin’s side and there were similar long names.

Merry sighed. “Why are hobbit male names so hard to come by? Does Diamond have a clue?”

“No she does not; she is too tired at the moment. She had a rough time so she is napping along with our unnamed child.“ Pippin thought then about the Quest, about Gondor. Then, Pippin smiled and excitedly exclaimed, “Why don’t we name him Faramir?”

“Faramir? Our dear Steward, Faramir? Well, that’s brilliant!”

“Yes, Faramir is a special man as I’m sure my son will be. Faramir is so wise and as Sam said, has some Numenorean air to him. Faramir will do honorable tasks and is a smart name for my hobbit lad. I think Diamond will like it too.”

“I hope your Faramir will be like Steward Faramir!” joked Merry. “We should write Faramir to tell him too. I think he would be glad to have someone named after him.”

“Yes, I am in frequent touch with him and Aragorn; it’s my duty to Gondor, a princeling abroad to serve at all times,” said Pippin proudly.

“Yes, yes ‘Prince of the Halflings’, we get it,” Merry rolled his eyes but smiled at Pippin’s enthusiasm.

“Now let’s wait till my Diamond and Faramir wake so I can tell them the news,” Pippin smiled. He was glad to name his son after the great Steward of the Fourth Age. Faramir Took would do great deeds like his namesake.

~fin~ ?

Remember, the hobbits made me write this. :P :D And they're all Tolkien's, i bother his characters from time to time but all his. <3

fandom love, ficlets, pippin, fanfic, lotr, merry, fanfiction

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