Bilbo and Frodo post-Quest drabble series (WIP) Birthday mathom!! =)

Aug 11, 2015 00:10

Double drabbles/fic series by Periantari and Speedyhobbit.

WIP, Rated G

Comments always welcome for how they can be better since they are a work in progress. ;)

22nd of Foreyule
My dear Frodo,
I hope this letter finds you well; it is a while since I’ve heard from you, and I sent another letter that received no reply- unless it simply got lost? Anyhow, I figured I would drop a line to see how my Frodo-lad is doing and whether he is steeled back into the Shire after a very long adventure.

How are Merry and Pippin doing, not to mention Sam? Have the days been keeping them well? I am also wondering how young Freddy is recovering; you wrote to me that he was doing rather poorly back in the late autumn because of the troubles in the Shire.

Forgive an old hobbit his anxiety if you have merely been busy as of late; I know filling in for Mayor Whitfoot as his Deputy is likely a time-consuming task. I look forward to hearing from you when you get a chance to return my letter.

Be well,
With much love from your uncle Bilbo.

Dearest Bilbo,

The days are long and full of beauty here in Hobbiton . However, Hobbiton is not the same as before with the ruffians coming and having their awful occupation here, but I’m glad to say my fellow hobbits are recovering fairly nicely. We do not give up easily a fight that we should win.

I took little part in helping the Shire recover, Bilbo. I did not even take charge of the duties of making sure everything is back in order. I am sorry to say that.

I am.. tired after the Quest. I don’t know how you bore the Ring for so long but it has changed me - the Quest has changed me. I hope I can feel joy again. Being back at home should assuage my fears of somewhat not belonging and not feeling joyful again. Maybe rest is all that I need.

Hope you’re doing well in Rivendell, Bilbo? You looked very tired last time I saw you. Take rest and also make sure to eat enough. Elves do not eat as much as hobbits, so make sure you get your six meals in!

Hopefully after the restoration of the Shire, I will come out and visit you.

Yours truly,

Dear Frodo,

It grieves me to hear that you've been feeling poorly and I do hope those doldrums will pass soon. The Ring, it seems, lay dormant while it was in my keeping for a very long while by some good fortune that alas you did not inherit. Do make sure you get that rest though, my lad!

I have been rather tired but that happens, I've been told, when one grows old, and for a hobbit I am positively ancient. I do get my six meals, although it seems I no longer need quite the quantity at my six meals that I once did- i'm certainly no tween that cannot be denied.

I look forward to seeing you, should you make it out. I half wish I could come to you, but alas, my age no longer permits such expeditions.


And then a month and a half (or more) passes with no word from Frodo until this:

Dearest Bilbo,
Sorry I have not been keeping up with mailing you. It’s not that I do not care about you, quite the contrary.

Life has been different coming back to the Shire with the ruffians and Saruman at our doorstep. We are all busy rebuilding the Shire. It’s quite heart-breaking to see the Party Tree come down and to see so much damage and destruction of hobbit holes.

You should see Sam, Merry and Pippin though-how they have matured throughout our Quest. I’m glad they can lead and take charge! You would be proud of them too in the projects they’re leading to make it like it once was again.

The New Mill is an ugly red-brick building that the ruffians had put up. How I despise it! Fortunately, it has been knocked down. We did manage to make a New Row which replaces Bagshot Row, which had been destroyed by Saruman’s Men.

I can’t but feel guilty about not partaking in more of the rebuilding of the Shire, my home. I feel a bit out of touch. Did you feel this way after your own journey?
Hope you’re well, Bilbo. I miss you and wish you all the best.




HAPPY birthday to Gamgeefest! Miss you and hope you have a hobbity birthday, fellow Leo! ;)

birthday mathom, frodo, drabbles, bilbo, fanfiction

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