*SPOILERS AND SQUEE (Hobbit Empire review/ clip from movie and TV spots, oh my!)

Dec 02, 2014 21:54

I really like this short but sweet review-- doesn't spoil too much if you read the book already. I hope PJ redeems himself from the mess that was DoS ...
also behind the cut please find a paragraph about Armitage and Freeman's performances...

Also i'm REALLY liking the Bilbo clip which link i'm linking behind the cut. .... more thoughts squee within!

"As both hero and antagonist at various points, this is in large part Armitage’s film. Thorin’s descent into madness under the dragon’s taint is played out with maniacal intensity. His grim rebuff of Luke Evans’ diplomatic overtures (the exchange framed beautifully by a hole in Erebor’s barricade) and final, hallucinatory epiphany upon a floor of burnished gold are as masterfully shot as they are powerfully delivered. Bilbo, by contrast, is a portrait of quiet understatement. Freeman has grown into the part like a second skin, his warmth and honesty underpinning the hobbit’s self-effacing befuddlement. It’s not until the end, with the film’s most effective piece of foreshadowing, that we see cracks in his character as the Ring exerts its influence." -EMPIRE

(You know how much I am anticipating this film? Just ask speedyhobbit and grey_wonderer-- spamming them with texts every moment of the day. lol :P )

Anyways (if you haven't seen it already)
Clip from movie....

Really like this dialogue-- shows how much growth Bilbo has undergone, shows his willing defiance of Gandalf and i just really love the interaction here-- it's genuine, something that is quite feasible from the book and just wonderfully scripted and not out of nowhere.

TV spots:
These just plain killed me... omg... so emo so adventure filled, so much action, so many feels. SO MANY FEELS.

I'm just so torn-- i feel excited yet nervous and i don't know what PJ is going to do... give us more fanfic or give us something that resembles the book somehow? And how am i going to feel since i've been so let down in previous movie? I wanted to kill him after last one but now, this last one should be epic, i hope he redeems himself. But should i lower the expectations so i won't be disappointed? I elected to go opening day because it's #onelasttime man! There won't be anymore Middle-earth movies for better or worse so i guess i'll just give him benefit of doubt?

I'm going with 8 other people on Dec 16 for the record... we have almost a Fellowship. :P I am still working on my sis to go with me as well. haha

Hobbits-- who is going opening week?

the hobbit news, the hobbit trailer, squee, the hobbit is on!!!!!!, omg

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