Good indication of how first movie is going to go!!!!
My Dear Frodo - Howard Shore
Old Friends (Extended Version) - Howard Shore
An Unexpected Party (Extended Version) - Howard Shore
Blunt the Knives - performed by The Dwarf Cast
Axe or Sword? - Howard Shore
Misty Mountains - performed by Richard Armitage and The Dwarf Cast
The Adventure Begins - Howard Shore
The World is Ahead - Howard Shore
An Ancient Enemy - Howard Shore
Radgast the Brown (Extended Version) - Howard Shore
The Trollshaws - Howard Shore
Roast Mutton (Extended Version) - Howard Shore
A Troll-hoard - Howard Shore
The Hill of Sorcery - Howard Shore
Warg-scouts - Howard Shore
The Hidden Valley - Howard Shore
Moon Runes (Extended Version) - Howard Shore
The Defiler - Howard Shore
The White Council (Extended Version) - Howard Shore
Over Hill - Howard Shore
A Thunder Battle - Howard Shore
Under Hill - Howard Shore
Riddles in the Dark - Howard Shore
Brass Buttons - Howard Shore
Out of the Frying-Pan - Howard Shore
A Good Omen - Howard Shore
Song of the Lonely Mountain (Extended Version) - performed by Neil Finn
Dreaming of Bag End - Howard Shore
A Very Respectable Hobbit (Bonus Track) - Howard Shore
Erebor (Bonus Track) - Howard Shore
The Dwarf Lords (Bonus Track) - Howard Shore
The Edge of the Wild (Bonus Track) - Howard Shore
Will analyze this list some other time but it's interesting to point out some things... but that will be in next entry.... ;)
35 more days!!! 32 till the soundtrack comes out!!