um...gotta get this out of my system...

Nov 05, 2007 22:39

Heroes Episode 7 "Out of Time" squee-age/review-ish/spoilers Love type of deal... ;)

Loved it all.
I love how everything's coming together and that paths will cross and how Mohinder cracked at the end but at the expense of HRG... West finally seeing HRG was awful..i wished Claire could've clarified before.

I loved how Nathan is told that Peter didn't die yet...loved Peter saw his mom in the future and remember that is his mom.

Loved how evil Maury used DL to get into Niki's head.

Matt coming on to his own to defeat Maury in his own game was awesome. THat was so heartening to see a "soft" character do something so important. i REALLY like Matt in Season 2-- he's a hella nice father for Molly. :)

...and hated that Mohinder turned his back against HRG...
That awful twist at the end when Peter found "Adam" was awesome..isn't that Kensei from the past? Wow.

And the Bennet family is split apart in the end.. .and next week we're getting some answers one what happened after the finale of last season!

Hiro back to the present is good...i'm glad for that but i'm sorry that he ended the relationship with Kensei so horribly. And to come back to hear that his father had died. :( Sadness.

Glad Sylar and Maya storyline isn't included... i'm so scared of Sylar...

Claire and Peter are NOT on my like list this season... they both suck and are selfish, clueless and Claire's too rebellious... And West creeps me out.

Awesome episode though!!!!!!

Is it Monday yet? =)


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