<---::points to icon:: My Motto in Life...

Mar 13, 2007 01:22

Hi dear f-list,
I am ultra insomniac right now... i guess driving my bro back to Boston and then taking the bus back (9 hrs!) didn't properly do me in to make me tired... (quite opposite oddly enough... :p)

Is my insomniac grey_wonderer wandering around online by any chance? ;)

So why am I up?
--Catching up on the f-list and kinda trying to find energy to write some meaningful comments back to you all...
I will do B2MEM soon too ...must find energy to ...i have lots of ideas as usual but i feel like everyone knows that Middle-earth is every month fro me. ;)

--Thinking about THe Children of Hurin that is coming out really really soon!
Dr. Michael Drout wrote about it in his blogspot here: http://wormtalk.blogspot.com/2006/09/j.html
and it sounds very interesting indeed.

And TolkienNewsNet released the contents of the book!: http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/The_Children_of_Hurin#Contents

So yayness with that. =) I should reread Silmarillion in prep for that when i can.

--Also thinking about the new book i'm reading Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind... I've been warned it gets really really dark and even sadistic as it goes along but i'm still on this first book and it's very addicting. :p I do not like the naming of characters in his book or the naming of the places (so plain! nothing like Tolkien!) but the story is good but i seriously feel like there's no let up in the angst.... :/ On like page 500 something and read like 200+ pages today on the bus...
It's way too intense and i'm just so darn nervous every moment when reading it! (but i like it ;)
Must go find some hobbit fluff now though....

--And... what else? Oh yeah i have spring break for one of my schools this week so i should be around again posting comments to you all.... missed the LJ-ness... ♥
--And... ORC! How was ORC? did anyone go? I need to catch up on ainu_laire's posts on it because i knew she went... Sounded like a fun time from the TORN reports i've glimpsed at...

<---Lookie at my Quotes box-- i have several new ones now that are my fave from Frodo, Tolkien, and one from Movie!Theoden. :) I think i can put a lot in there now since i have a shiny paid account. :)
--I want to change my layout soon too-- Important Q-- can i keep my header but choose another layout style other than 3-columns (my present one)? )
Also still searching fro a hobbit mood theme... (shouldn't be too hard...i remember seeing one before but have to find the journal it's in...) *Really* should have a hobbity one right? Though i do like my little "punquin heads". :P But hobbits=love to the thousandth power. ;)

Hope all's been well with you all~


books, the children of hurin, randomness

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