Periantari "vocab" and LotR Fandom is Love list ;)

Jun 05, 2006 00:20

Some useful periantari vocab (to understand her LJ better ;):

"dead-ified" (new word! ;) -- when peri an is so hyper and so literally squee-ing and aww-ing to no end because of what suspenseful, good fanfic does to her that she is not functional fro a while and goes hyper to no end. :P
A newly made up periantari vocab word, she gets "dead-ified" when there's an occassional update of fic that she's been following. Usually when the author writes too darn well and makes something too darn angsty/interesting/exciting, that will "deadi-fy" peri an. :P When she is "dead-ified", she will hyperventilate and grin and forget very much what time it is. :P Oh yeah, she can also be really "dead-fied" with really hot hobbit iconses. :) Blends, pretty colors, cropping--stuff like that. :)

"to Frodo" --to do anything LotR, Tolkien related. :P (oldie but goodie)

"squee" --fro hobbits and LotR of course. ;)

hyperventilate-- she used to have an AIM away message that read "stop hyperventilating like that" --usually refers to fanfic updates that makes her squee to no end. :) (therefore breathing becomes secondary. ;)


And at long last... i'm going to post slightlytookish and my "LotR Fandom is Love" list inspired by when this person put a "Fandom love" list out...several months ago. :P

I got inspired to write my own and included ST in our pursuit in making 111 in our list in what makes our fandom so special. ;)

Enjoy our 101 reasons list! (we're trying to aim fro 111 so please help us! ;)

1) LotR Fandom is anticipating RotK every minute, every hour of the day in 2003.

2) LotR Fandom is squee-ing for hobbits (or elves/men/dwarves), writing about them, worshipping them, drooling for them. ;)

3) LotR Fandom is insane hours in the computer looking for anything LotR related.

4) LotR Fandom is over 2000 posts on and being a founder and moderator of the Professor forum.

5) LotR Fandom is posting on 5 different message boards in '03. ;)

6) LotR Fandom is buying all posters, DVDs, EE DVDs, Howard Shore's music, audio books, and all paraphernalia relating to it.

7) LotR Fandom is going off to New Zealand at the peak of '04 Oscar season to visit Middle Earth.

8) LotR Fandom is squee-ing and hyperventilating and getting hyper whenever there is a fic update from your favorite author(s).

9) LotR Fandom is writing thousands of pages of fanfic. ;)

10) LotR Fandom is reading out your favorite passages outloud.

11) LotR Fandom is staying up at night still looking, still uploading LotR icons, still writing that fic, still wondering about whether or not Frodo failed. :P

12) LotR Fandom is obsessing about Tolkien too. For there would be no LotR without Prof. Tolkien. ;)

13) LotR Fandom is dreams about hobbitses(or elves/men/dwarves/maia/shieldmaidens).

14) LotR Fandom is undying love fro hobbits.

15) LotR Fandom is traveling at all distances to go to a convention. >=)

16) LotR Fandom is having several LotR group of fans to talk with.

17) LotR Fandom is being crazy, knowing it, always getting teased about being that crazy hobbit.

18) LotR Fandom is screaming "Frodo Lives" or "awww Frodo" or "awwww hobbitses" randomly. ;)

19) LotR Fandom is exploring every single detail that differ between movie and book.

20) LotR Fandom is watching the Bakshi and Rankin and Bass' versions (and making fun of it non-stop). ;)

21) LOTR Fandom is meeting up with fellow fans you made online for moots. :)

22) LOTR Fandom is squeeing over 11 out of 11 Oscar wins and knowing that no awards show will ever come close to how spectacular brilliant that night was.

23) LOTR Fandom is collecting every action figure you can get your hands on.

24) LOTR Fandom is having a LOTR-inspired username.

25) LOTR Fandom is knowing every (or nearly every) line from all three movies.

26) LOTR Fandom is randomly yelling out "Awww hobbitses!" or "Frodo Lives! Or Gandalf for President!" (or "Pippin Lives!") :D

27) LotR Fandom is knowing all of Middle-Earth's geography, owning Karen Wyn Fonstad's Atlas of Middle Earth AND the Maps of Tolkien's Middle Earth by Brian Sibley and John Howe.

28) LotR Fandom is knowing all the Elvish names of the hobbits and all the many names that Aragorn has.

29) LotR Fandom is knowing the influences of Tolkien and how he came to write LotR and the Hobbit and all of Middle-Earth (and writing a paper about it for your Folktale class in undergrad college) =).

30) LotR Fandom is knowing the *exact* Book and Chapter your favorite quote/part is.

31) LotR Fandom is knowing that hobbit ages can convert and it's different from human ages. ;) Thanks to dreamflower02!

32) LotR Fandom is knowing what a "tween" is.

33) LotR Fandom is knowing what elevenses is and that it's quite
acceptable to eat 6 meals a day. ;)

34) LotR Fandom is having a 10+ page list of your favorite quotes typed up. =)

35) LotR Fandom is equating the word "for" with "fro", "procrastinating" to "frocrastinating", seeing Argon as Aragorn, seeing Poppins as Pippin, Mary for Merry and thinking all "Sam"s to be the one Samwise Gamgee.

36) LOTR Fandom is wishing you could adopt a hobbit of your very own.

37) LOTR fandom is covering your walls with posters until you don't remember what color the walls are beneath.

38) LOTR fandom is listening to the movie soundtracks and knowing the exact scene a piece of music is from.

39) LOTR fandom is typing "Pippin" when you should be typing "paper" or "pipe" :P

40) LOTR fandom is being the one people come to when they need explanations after reading the books or seeing the movies for the first time.

41) LotR Fandom is having a journal devoted to LotR, hobbits and Tolkien.

42) LotR Fandom is being entranced by the books and movies every time you see them again. It’s like falling in love all over again.

43) LotR Fandom is rewatching the movies and extras hundreds of times (including 10+ times in the theater believing that you must help LotR in the box office ;), rereading the books thousands of times, thinking of the making of the Hobbit constantly.

44) LotR Fandom is getting into a heated debate about everything regarding the books/movies that are controversial. Should movie!Faramir have taken the Ring? Should Elves have gone to Helm’s Deep? ;)

45) LotR Fandom is having more than 1000 LJ icons saved/uploaded. :P

46) LotR Fandom is knowing all the details and dates of the Tale of Years.

47) LotR Fandom is knowing the hobbit family trees really well.

48) LotR Fandom is knowing how to speak Sindarin and knowing some Tengwar or have taken a class on it.

49) LotR Fandom is having a mind that goes “hobbitshobbitshobbits” all the time. =)

50) LotR Fandom is coming up with reasons why LotR isn’t an allegory and having supporting evidence from Tolkien to back you up. =P

51) LotR Fandom is undying love, hyper love, ultra love that makes you hyper, happy, glad and content even though it may have been a gloomy, busy, stressful day.

52) LotR Fandom is loving both book and movies….(or maybe having slight preference to books ;)

53) LotR Fandom is loving all the actors and actresses of LotR enough to follow them in their current projects and watching a movie or show you otherwise wouldn't have just because they're in it.

54) LotR Fandom is making your own Middle-Earth costume.

55) LotR Fandom is making knitted hobbits or any crafts relating to them. =)

56) LotR Fandom is being in a constant “The Journey Never Ends” type of mood, for there’s still so much more to be hyper about. :)

57) LOTR Fandom is starting LJ communities for your favorite characters, species, etc.

58) LOTR Fandom is signing up for a Fanfic100 claim to write solely about hobbits.

59) LOTR Fandom is creating a backup disk, or using Photobucket, to save hundreds of LOTR icons and photos.

60) LOTR Fandom is having a LOTR ringtone on your phone....or wishing you did! :P

61) LOTR Fandom is ordering mushrooms wherever you go.

62) LOTR Fandom is wishing Shirebound would build that hobbit commune so you could write fanfic and think hobbity thoughts all day long.

63) LOTR Fandom is trying something you know you're not god at - drawing, icon-making - just so you could be even more involved in the fandom.

64) LoTR fandom is having tears or going hyper even when listening to Shore’s music.

65) LotR Fandom is going to the LotR museum 200 miles away or going to see Howard Shore’s concert no matter where it is.

66) LotR Fandom is hyper nostalgia regarding the peak of movie and Oscar obsession for the precious.

67) LotR Fandom is feeling the Love so much inside of you even if you’re not actively doing something to portray that Love, (i.e. daydreaming, writing in your notebook paper, thinking how great it’ll be to have the busy week end….;)

68) LotR Fandom is defending your precious when it is compared to other movies or books and declaring that it’s the best, and will always be the best.

69) LotR Fandom is thinking to write “Beren” and “Luthien” upon your tomb just like how Tolkien did with Edith when he died.

70) LotR Fandom is thinking that your fandom is at the center of the world. (And totally being appalled and shocked when you find people not knowing what a hobbit or Tolkien is… “tsk tsk, aren’t they deprived?” you think. ;)

71) LotR Fandom is not decreasing your love just when the movies have ended but continuing in other ways of actively obsessing.

72) LotR Fandom is lurking on your favorite fan online sites for two seconds even though you don’t have time for it. :P

73) LotR Fandom is actually making up recipes and creating cram cakes or lembas or foods from Middle-Earth.

74) LotR Fandom is buying all books relating to Tolkien, because, hey, you’re trying to be a Tolkien Scholar here. ;)

75) LotR Fandom is smiling whenever you think “hobbits” or “Frodo”. =)

76) LotR Fandom is involuntarily saying “Frodo!” (because you think that it’s just such a wonderful word ;)

77) LotR Fandom is taking a RL/study break just so that you can obsess a bit, in your own way.

78) LotR Fandom is constantly refreshing in order to get the latest news about your fandom.

79) LotR Fandom is internal sweet happiness even if you’re feeling down.

80) LotR Fandom is painting curly hair onto your feet to be more hobbity.

81) LotR Fandom is ordering ale instead of cocktails at the bar to be more hobbity. :P

82) LOTR Fandom is decorating your cubicle or desk at work with something, a mousepad, an action figure, or a picture, of your favorite characters.

83) LOTR Fandom is thinking up a Hobbit School where people would learn hobbity ways of cooking, dressing and living and actually writing to a fellow fan in a strange and rambly letter.

84) LOTR Fandom is adapting and naming your pet after your favorite character.

85) LOTR Fandom is bringing LotR or any Tolkien book wherever you go even though you know you have no time to read it. :P

86) LOTR Fandom is when even non-fannish friends and family know all the major plot points of the book/movies and which characters you like and don't like.

87) LOTR Fandom is when you read another book, or watch another movie, and make references to how it reminds you of your REAL fandom.

88) LOTR Fandom is suffering from serious withdrawal when you don't have access to email, LJ and story archives for a significant amount of time.

89) LOTR Fandom is being glad of all the gaps Tolkien left, so that you can envision what happened in those scenes (and even write fanfiction about them yourself).

90) LOTR Fandom is wishing you could thank Tolkien in some way for creating a world that has brought you such joy.

91) LotR Fandom is converting your young sister and cousin to say “Frodo Lives” or “awww! Hobbitses” and liking LotR. ;)

92) LotR Fandom is liking something else only if it has some relation to your One True Fandom. (::cough:likingNarniabecauseCSLewis&JRRTolkienwere friends::Cough::l) =) or (::cough likingLostbecause”Merry”isthere::Cough:: ;)

93) LotR Fandom is saying to relatives that you’re not joining in the bouquet toss at a wedding because you’re “already married” … to Frodo naturally of course. ;) (dork alert :P)

94) LotR Fandom is going to the Tolkien section EVERYTIME you go to the bookstore first. Though Tolkien may be dead and have no books out any longer, doesn’t mean that there are new writers that are everyday writing something new about Tolkien and his works. (Or maybe Christopher Tolkien has something new out for HoME. ;)

95) LotR Fandom is squee-ing for the dvds on the shelves of the store even though you have them. :P (dork alert :P)

95) LotR Fandom is thinking of ideas to discuss like “What do hobbits eat?” or “Why are Elves immortal?” or “How do Ents reproduce?” or “What is the lifespan of an orc” and actually getting answers from fellow geeks like you.

96) LotR Fandom converting non-Tolkien/LotR lovers to be (at least) movie lovers.

97) LotR Fandom is making parallels of occurrences in other movies to LotR.

98) LotR Fandom is naming your car and computer and pet names from Tolkien’s masterpieces.

99) LotR Fandom is starting your own message board, RPG board, fanfiction site all dedicated to your love for LotR and Tolkien.

100) LotR Fandom is being obsessive with the box office figures, worried that other blockbusters’ accumulation of money will go past your precioussss. (Which would be totally not right :P)

101) LotR Fandom is eternal love.

yes, Jen, i finally posted it. ;)

I'm such an ultra LotR dork. :P

♥ ♥

fandom love, periantari vocab, lotr fandom list, lotr

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