
Apr 06, 2006 21:16

hm? was i ever gone? :P

Sorry if I alarmed anyone by deleting ...couple days ago...
I've only deleted once before and it was a year ago (due to different circumstances) and it always felt crappy doing it because LJ has become almost like a "second life" for me... and you're all so dear to me. ♥
I deleted mostly for RL stress related reasons... i figured that LJ was too distracting and such and was starting to be annoyed at my ADD with it. :p undisciplined hobbit here ...

so yes, i'm back. :) ::huggles to all::

If there is anything I missed, something important, please link me to it... fic, personal stuff...anything. :)
Greatly appreciated. ♥



And also my brother's 21st birthday is today. :) Big props to him. ♥ :cheers:

Now... to skip back to a week's worth of posts. :P

~periantari ♥

::hobbity huggles to all:: =)

"Well, I'm back."

wonders to self if she's going to spam LJ majorly tonight... hmmm..... ;)

samwise's b-day, bro's b-day

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