...I did some stuff. Not nearly as much as last weekend.
I took advantage of the fact that Summer has officially begun (unlike most Danes, I consider the Summer solstice to be the start of Summer, and vice-versa for the rest of the seasons) and did our first grilling. Yummy herbed sausages (from Kvickly, they actually carry interesting sausages now), potato salad, small carrots, and smores. For the Americans out there: The Danish candy company Haribo makes the best marshmallows that
quaryn_dk has ever tasted: They have a slightly different structure, and are flavored with vanilla. For her birthday party, we're going to take those, some whole-wheat digestives, and some thin chocolate plates that you can get here for putting on bread, and make smores over a bonfire. What the world does need right now is more sticky, gooey, yummy fun!
I also picked up my pictures from the exhibit at Restaurant Miro. While there were no sales, the owner said that he'd never had so many comments about his art (except for the slightly erotic series he had once and had to take down:). The pictures are now going to go up at Constantia, so they can be there for my mother and mother-in-law's 70th birthdays in August. I figure I'll make a contact sheet and try to pimp the pictures to the finer restaurants in town -- if I keep showing them, eventually people around here will get the idea that photography can be art.
I also made further work on
my RepStrap.