Oct 27, 2007 12:05
I was out on a photo trip to Mols this morning (even though nobody else showed up, I went anyway to prepare the summerhouse for the winter). I'd parked the car on a parking lot out in the forest and went for a walk. When I came back, I unlocked the car and opened the door -- at which point the car decided I must be ready to go and started rolling backwards (it was on a slight incline). A car is a heavy thing to try to stop when it's gotten into its little mind that rolling is fun. I followed along, trying to push as best I could, but it was delighted in its sense of newfound freedom and picked up speed. Luckily, I had opened the drivers seat door, so while walking backwards at a brisk trot, I reached in and pulled the handbrake further, cutting short an exciting adventure for the poor car in time to have it not become fast friends with one of the trees. Nothing happened to either of us, and I am pleased to find that I didn't panic in any way, but I'll be leaving the car in gear from now on, this handbrake is obviously not very strong.