Renfaire and other goings-on

Aug 27, 2007 20:24

This weekend was the annual renfaire in Horsens (, which is a nice-size fair smack in the middle of a city. This is the third year we (Holmgang) has participated, and we've got most of the bugs out of being there. No pics yet, but we got a nice painted-on-wood sign with Holmgang in gothic letters -- which apparently nobody can read anymore:( From friday afternoon through Saturday evening, we did three rounds of about two hours of letting people try whacking on each other (or us) with Edhellen swords. Great fun was had by all, except the two kids who got minor owies and the drunkards we had to toss out again cause they didn't take their hits. Hard work overall, though. But hey, there was great bread, great Persion lamb stew (the name of which eludes me, something like Kahrandahar), good mustard (one of the LARP guys hanging out with us had been involved in making it, best mustard in Denmark), and many people in pretty costumes.

Other stuff, we've been doing the harvest thing: Apple sauce (from my mother's apple trees), pickles from home-grown cucumbers (prickly little bastards), and salsa (from store-bought tomatoes, mostly). We've repaired our bed, which has had its central metal support bend(!). We've moved my machine into the main room, intending to turn the other room into a relaxing room/library/entertainment center (can we say Wii, boys and girls??).

horsens, furniture, garden, holmgang

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