An evening of TED talks

Mar 14, 2011 21:50

Started with this one: about "filter bubbles" and how the increasingly sophisticated ranking and filtering systems put each of us into a bubble of our own preferential reading, where we only get information that confirms our beliefs, a fast food of information rather than the vegetables of being challenged.

Then this one: by the author of "Eat, Pray, Love". Apart from giving some potentially life-saving advice to people in highly creative jobs, is also just very funny. If her book is of the same quality, I may just have to read it.

Followed by this one: about how in basically any creative endeavour, adding more incentives decreases performance. Tested and proven again and again. Can we stop handing out huge bonuses to CEOs now?

A curious (long) interlude by the French artist JR in doing semi-illegal large-scale photo art in dangerous areas.

The title "The Power of Vulnerability" sounded interesting:

I watched the last one twice.

ted, creativity, inspiration, life, art

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