It's Been a Care Bear Day

Oct 28, 2005 17:54

One of my coworkers once told me that seeing me irritated must be 'like getting snarled at by a Care Bear.' I don't normally consider myself someone who is in a perpetual 'Care Bear'-good mood (I think that if my coworkers ever got that impression, it's probably because I am excessively fond of them--they make me laugh, what can I say?!). But right now I can't help myself because...

(1) 'Guerolito'--I don't normally like remixes (including Beck remixes), but I'm a 'Beck completist,' so I can't resist. Saw the cover and the track listing today. All I can say is: lo quiero mas que un nino gordo desea los dulces.

(2) Holy 'Goblet of Fire' clips released today! *salivates* Not sure Snape would actually hit a student (even Harry)--he has too much self-control. BUT I'll let it go. It looks like this might shape up to be my favorite movie so far, despite not being particularly fond of the book.

(3) Holy 'Goblet of Fire' tix! My favorite JG in the universe has procured tickets to both the midnight and evening showings on opening day. Look for me there--I'll be the drunk girl in a Slytherin scarf and tee that management has to escort out of the building for trying to lick the image of a wig-wearing Alan Rickman on screen.

(4) I'm getting a new G5 at work! At my last job, I had to use a *pentium* (yes, the original--not even pent. ii or iii) that ran Win95 *gags*, so this is a *huge* treat for me! *does new computer dance*

(5) I'm getting back into my website--have tweaked the design and will be posting within a week. Also am planning a fanfic novel for *real* this time! My mind is flooded with ideas for original fic, too, but that takes more time/planning, which I don't have to devote to it right now. So, fanfic will just have to tide me over until spring, when things quiet a bit. At least it keeps me practicing writing for the 'real thing.' In the meantime, I'm faced with a dilemma: do I give Snape a lover (female--I want this to go on Sugar Quill, and they don't take slash, which makes me a sad panda) or not? It might be hard to squeeze a lover into my plot--and it would be totally going against the vow I made to Canisdoofus a couple weeks ago that I was going to write genfic only in the future--but it would be fun nonetheless, and I already have an OFC I manufactured a bit ago and never used. Otherwise, I may just shamelessly write a romance novella with her another time and screw those who cry 'Mary Sue!'

On the other hand, when the glass is half-full, it can also simultaneously be half-empty...

(1) Is that seriously snow in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow?! *buries head in hands* Weather this month has been shit. Total shit. Which normally doesn't bother me... except that now snow's involved. There's no need for snow to become involved yet.

(2) I have a paper and presentation due in my leadership/business ethics class Monday. What was I thinking jumping right back into my MBA program so soon?! I want to pull an Oedipus and poke my eyes out right now--it would feel better.

(3) I hurt myself brushing my teeth today. It takes true talent to manage this, trust me. The thing is, I have a problem: I brush my teeth too hard. I've tried not to--the dentist even suggested I get an electric tooth brush to help, which I did, but I can't stand using the thing--it never feels like my teeth are clean enough. So, today, I was sawing away at the moss on my pearly whites when my hand slips and--because I've got such a vice grip on my brush--I accidentally plunge the brush into my gums, cutting a holy!bloody!gash below my bottom front teeth. It hurts, man; it hurts.
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