I know, I know. You wait all year for an Arcana group order and two come along at once. ;)
The update details are here: --->
http://community.livejournal.com/arcanasoapslove/44894.html?view=272734#t272734 - woohoo for scrubby goodness!
I don't charge PayPal fees so, as the lovely Colere says, any flavour of PayPal is welcome. If you usually pay fees, send payment to
hangoverqueen@btinternet.com. If you don't pay fees, send it to
5ml perfumes are $13, 5ml layering notes are $11, 10ml perfumes are $17, soaps are $8, scrubs are $13 (they're pretty huge tubs - I use them daily and I'd say a tub lasts around 6 months). As far as I know, there are small amounts of the last round of LEs left. This is your chance to get them if you missed out last time. ETA: Bounce! Bounce! Julia is happy to keep Sleepy Hollow and DDLM available to us year round! What an awesome gal!
I don't charge for onwards postage, but I may have to if you order scrubs. It's case of seeing how heavy they are, if that's OK.
We managed to sidestep customs this time (big thanks to Julia) so hopefully there won't be any extra to pay in that respect.
I can't guarantee any extras, but Julia usually slings in a handful of samples which I dish out accordingly, and they are proper Arcana samples in all their labelled glory.
I think that's about it. I'll shut the order on 5 October at midnight GMT which should give me enough time to place the order and then get it out to you by All Hallow's Eve. *grins*
Total: $215
miggins: $32 PAID
5ml: Holy Terror, Guy Fawkes
Soap: Lavender Romp
galenx: $21 PAID
5ml Rapunzel
Soap: Caffeinated Life
colere: $37 PAID
Soap: Caffeinated Life, Miasma, Zombie's Cucumber
Scrub: Dia de los Muertos
parmavioletuk: $26 PAID
5ml: Holy Terror
Scrub: Guy Fawkes
flostygritter: $34 PAID
Soap: Miasma
Scrub: Little Ghoulie, Dias de los Muertos
purplekylie22: $29 PAID
Soap: Zombie's Cucumber, Murder Ballad Blues
Scrub: Haint
bagfish: $34 PAID
10ml: Haint, Holy Terror