Thank you all for your patience!
I am officially opening the next Arcana group order. I don't have a catalogue yet (I'll sort that out hopefully tomorrow) but you can order whatever you like - regular items, layering notes and the current limiteds. I'll offer perfume samples as long as I can get five people to commit to one bottle (but I'm happy to decant bits of anything I've ordered). As always, I'm happy to split up bars of soap into a minimum of two and a maximum of four chunks.
And please let me know if you want this to stay open just to catch the Hallowe'en limiteds with another order opening at the end of November, just in case anything else crops up this year.
The order will be run much the same, ie, free US postage and quite possibly (with the exception of insured postage), no extra to pay for onwards postage which makes me a happy bunny because I always frell it up.
ETA: I now have an Arcana LJ (
arcanasoapsuk) which has been updated as far as my own records will allow. I now have listed all of the general items (I think!), ,most of the layering notes and the current limited editions.
Total: $160 PAID
Miggins: $68 PAID!
10ml: Anodyne, Sweet Milk, DDLM
5ml Clove, Queen Crossbones
Soap: Persephone's Flowers
JLA: $52 PAID!
5ml Absinthe, Haint, Little Ghoulie, Clove
Soap: Vampire's Garden, Sleepy Hollow
Flostygritter: $40 PAID!
5ml Holy Terror, Byzantium, Murder Ballad Blues, Sleepy Hollow