Yesterday morning I woke up at 7:30am to the postman ringing my doorbell. He had a huge box for me. I went back to bed to open it and turned out it was my tea swap package from the lovely
la_dame_du_lac! :)
Everything looks amazing!
I got Tchin-Ta-Ni Rose Tea, Ronnefeldt Roobois Bourbon Vanilla and really cute tins of Ronnefeldt East Frisian Sunday Tea, White Mango Dream and Vanilla Chai. I also got hot cocoa and lots of little chocolates (there were more, I ate some before taking the photo). :)
la_dame_du_lac also included a note explaining how she first tried Ronnefeldt teas many years ago in Germany and only just found them again now.
I had a mug of the Roobois Bourbon Vanilla this morning and it was delicious indeed. Can't wait to try the others, too.
Thank you so much for a lovely package!