Wherein I need to make a rec

Jun 29, 2011 17:28

So I seriously doubt that blue_fjords had me in mind when she wrote THIS EPIC PIECE OF AWESOMENESS but it feels like it was written specifically around me and my forever love for the brilliant T.S. Eliot work that is The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock.

Along with the name of my journal, my Twitter handle AND one of my email addresses are all overtly and shamelessly derived from this poem.

And this fic used the poem brilliantly to show the hesitant aspect of liking someone, of approaching them and doing what the heart wants. The dynamic between Dean and Castiel is a reversal of the usual Dean-is-a-popular-jock/Cas-is-an-unpopular-nerd and it still maintains the characters as we know them so well. Plus every other character is well depicted and wonderfully fit into the story. So, if you haven't read the fic, GO READ IT NOW. GO NOW.

Now if only someone would write an angsty fic based on The Hollowmen (my second favorite poem by T.S. Eliot)

fandom, recs, fic, wordvomit, dean/cas

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