Hi aldehyde, this is for YOU

May 02, 2010 21:46

This is for my lovely, lovely friend aldehyde who is sick and is too far away for me to hug her. I hope you feel better bb!! MWAH <3. Also merci beaucoup to my lovely beta juliet_a

Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Warning: Absolutely none.
Summary: It is Sam's birthday after all.

Sam is dreaming of lips that taste like apple pie and skin that smells of chocolate. Its a delicious dream, and the object of Sam's affection is gasping under him with soft moans of..Sam, Sam Sam

"SAM! WAKE UP!" Dean?

"Rise and shine princess Samantha!" Dean's voice is awfully chipper at ass crack o'clock in the morning. Sam went to bed with a headache and it takes a full ten seconds to process that he's in a motel room that he's sharing with his older brother, who's a total jackass.

"Shut UP Dean! I'm trying to sleep here!" so yeah he's being a jerk. Whatever, Dean started it.

Dean's voice is soft and closer the next time he speaks, "come on Sammy, I wanna show you something. Please?"

Grunting with pure resentment, Sam opens his eyes and sits up on the bed. The headache is gone but a deep fatigue lingers in his body from last night. "Ok what? What is it?"

Dean makes a face,"you need to go brush your teeth first, bitch. I'm not talking to you when your breath smells like roadkill."

Ugh. Its no use arguing with Dean and Sam has no energy to bother anyways. "Whatever, jerk" he mumbles and makes his way to the bathroom.

Ten minutes, brushed teeth and emptied bladder later, Sam emerges from the bathroom to find the room semi-dark and a single source of light. A candle.

A candle on a small cake. And Dean smiling.

"Happy Birthday Sammy..."


"I...I'm...thank you Dean," he chokes out as he makes his way to the table keeping his eyes on the cake because he can't look at Dean's face, his brother's soft and smiling face will make him cry right now and Dean will call him princess Samantha and totally ruin the moment.

A hand lands on his shoulder and he looks up to see the green in Dean's eyes shining bright and a soft smile playing on his lips. "Make a wish, Sammy," Dean whispers, his hand still on Sam's shoulder.

So Sam turns and kisses Dean.


hi moonie ilu, supernatural, fic, hey sammy itsyo birthday, wordvomit, spn

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