Just read through every entry in missredd's journal. Crying like a little girl right now. In one entry she noted that she did not ever think she would make it to her 25th birthday. @#$%^&*!
So Reading this I went and read her journal over. I regret not commenting on it more. She even called out a question to me and I missed it. But here is what I saw reading what she wrote.
She was an amazing, beautiful, intelligent, WELL READ (would that I have read half that list, I may copy it for a goal) girl. And she was completely in love with you. You were very blessed to have her in your life. It is indeed a tragedy that she was taken so young.
It is not that I am sad. I miss her very, very much, that goes without saying. But a time will come when we will be together again is some form. Until then, however, my life is no longer my own. I have given it over to a higher purpose. Making the world a better place in whatever way I can is now my joy.
She was an amazing, beautiful, intelligent, WELL READ (would that I have read half that list, I may copy it for a goal) girl. And she was completely in love with you. You were very blessed to have her in your life. It is indeed a tragedy that she was taken so young.
She was happy Mark, she would want you to be too.
Someday, when you're ready, you will be.
Yours always,
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