Aug 01, 2004 00:51
Well, today was on crazy exiting/funny day. At about 3:30 or 4:00, i went over to Ray's house because we haven't chilled for hella days. We decided to go to Deny's and catch up on each other. Then a bit after 5am, i went to sleep. When i woke up, things were kinda boring. Jus played video games, but whatever. Later on Sean and Liwei came over to Ray's. After a bit, Liwei took me to the Verizon store to get my new phone (which i got now and i'm exited about), but in the parking lot, liwei crashed! It was funny. The people got out of the car to check out the damage. There is a huge dent in the front of the car, but evidently they thought it was there already and looked at a little scratch where we didn't even touch the car and told him that that must of been him. What! Your headlight is hanging by a wire and you only see a tiny scratch on the front fender. Well, Liwei got away with everything. Wow! anywayz, after that we went to the beach in Pacifica. The way there was quite an adventure. It took me and Liwei almost two hours because we got lost so much. We somehow ended up in front of the Pac Bell Park where the San Fransisco Giants play. How did we manage to get there? Well, we got to talk a lot, and one of the things we talk about is how there are so many guys who treat girls like crap. They have no respect for girls, and how girls are always so unwilling to trust a guy when they meet him. We decided it's just so justified because guys nowadays are always hurting the girl somehow. We think it sucks not only for the girl, but also for guys like us who deeply respect women. Well, anyways, back to the crazy day. When we got to the beach, we stayed for about and hour and a half. We took an axe and tried hacking through a wood log and made a bonfire. It was nice. Lots of people were there. Then we headed home, and boy, that was another crazy ride. We tried to stay with Nate but he lost us, but me and Liwei were able to find our way cause we're savages. lol. We also saw some police at work in a high speed chase. It was crazy. Well, i must say, Liwei is such a crazy driver. My heart was beating so hard so many times today cause of his driving. Ray is usually really good, but today he almost crashed. Today was soooo thrilling. Yeah well, that was pretty much my day. I hafta go to the Arts and Wine Festival tomorow because i'm selling ice cream, so i'm going to half to wake up around eight-ish, so i'll have to go to sleep before 4 this morning. Well, today was fun.