Ooooh Curly Hair!!

Jun 16, 2005 13:52

My hair is curly today!! It's so hot!! I'm gonna take a picture, and post it later... I don't think I have my camera right now, bc I'm at work... Actually, I do have my camera! YES! Entertainment. :( Alas, I have checked my person... And there is no camera on she... I guess I have to wait until I get home... I think I can deal with that! I'm leavin this place at 4:00 today, and going to LAY OUT AGAIN!! HOLLA!

( ) smoked a cigarette --> I'll never smoke... Ew...
( ) smoked a cigar
( ) smoked anything else
( ) crashed a friend's car

( ) been in love
( ) shoplifted -
( ) been fired -
(x) been in a fist fight --> Once, me and Bekah got really mad at each other while I was at her house... So she kinda like pounced on me! EEP! But then we both started cracking up... Plus, we were in 5th grade.

( ) snuck out of parent's house
( ) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
( ) been arrested
( ) made out with a stranger
( ) gone on a blind date

(x) lied to a friend --> I'm sure I have many times... but only white lies... I mean, I wouldn't flat out lie to anybody... I may conceal information from them, however.
(x) had a crush on a teacher --> He TOTALLY wasn't my teacher though...
(x) skipped school -->Yeah, on cut day... So I don't know that it technically counts... Once I went to a movie audition and then turned in a Doctor's excuse for it...
( ) slept with a co-worker -->(You know me...)
( ) seen someone die

( ) had/have a crush on one of your MYSPACE friends
(x) been to Canada --> Yeah, with chorus... Then we all got really sick.
(x) been to Mexico --> HOLLA! Cancun, Cozumel, and some other places!
(x) been on a plane --> Too many...
( ) thrown up in a bar

(x) eaten Sushi --> YUM. I love sushi. I'm going out for sushi tonight, actually!!
( ) been snowboarding
( ) met someone BECAUSE of myspace
( ) been moshing at a concert

( ) been in an abusive relationship
(x) taken painkillers --> For some random surgeries...
( ) love someone right now
(x) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by --> That's so fun... "I see Goliath!! Staring at me!!"
(x) made a snow angel --> Yep, and you can make sand angels at the beach!! :D Tres fun.

(x) had a tea party --> CHAI CHAI CHAI CHAI CHAI!!!
(x) flown a kite --> I like, seriously miss that... and I want to do it again... Anyone up for a trip to the park?
(x) built a sand castle --> Yeah, and once I even made an alligator and a turtle!
(x)gone puddle jumping --> When I lived in Florida... Awww...
(x) played dress up -- Me and Lonna did that like... 2 weeks ago... HAHA.

(x) jumped into a pile of leaves --> FUN FREAKING STUFF.
(x) gone sledding --> Down the hill next to 378... That was WAY FUN.
(x) cheated while playing a game --> ALL the time.
(x) been lonely --> ... ALL the time... lol...
(x) fallen asleep at work/school --> ALL the time!

( ) used a fake ID
(x) watched the sun set --> :)
( ) felt an earthquake
(x) touched a snake --> At the zoo in Orlando...

(x) been tickled --> SO annoying, yet SO funny... WHY!?
( ) been robbed --> I thought that somebody stole $20 once, but then I remembered that I spent it the night before... Heh.
( ) robbed someone
(x) been misunderstood --> Usually when instructing someone on how to get to my house... Or in another country...
(x) pet a reindeer/goat --> Holla at the petting zoo!

(x) won a contest -->$400 vocal scholarship! WHOOT!
( ) been suspended from school
(x) had detention --> 6th grade... It was the saddest thing ever... Heh.
(x) been in a car accident --> Shudders...

(x) had braces --> For less than a year. :D
(x) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night --> Teehee...
(x) had deja vu --> On a more than weekly basis.
(x) danced in the moonlight --> Two nights ago, in the pool, at Lori's... Teehee!

(x) hated the way you look --> Yeeeeeah.
(x) witnessed a crime --> Once, in NYC, I saw somebody get stabbed from my hotel window...
(x) pole danced --> When I first got my loft... It was hilarious... OH and at Town Theatre!
(x) questioned your heart --> Yeppers.
( ) been obsessed with post --> Uhhh...?

(x) squished barefoot through the mud --> Yesterday... Then I stepped in an ant pile... OUCH.
(x) been lost --> Yeah, I was trying to get home from this girls house in Columbia, and I ended up in Gaston... it was kinda funny... Then I almost killed me and Hannah... That wasn't funny...
(x) been to the opposite side of the country --> Texas and California... (Only for about 30 minutes on a flight transfer... but I WAS in Cali!!)
(x) swam in the ocean --> Often... When I lived in Florida.
(x) felt like dying --> I've FELT like dying... But I've never considered it. I will never drive myself to kill myself.. Ever...

(x) cried yourself to sleep --> AWWWW!!
(x) played cops and robbers --> I used to...
(X) recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers --> YEAH! It's awesome.
(x) sung karaoke --> Me and Hannah tried to do it at her house once with her karaoke machine... It was just funny.
(x) paid for a meal with only coins --> I'm such a jerk.

(x) done something you told yourself you wouldn't --> Like this morning when I hit the snooze button about 4523 times.
(x) made prank phone calls --> Such a rebel... :P
( ) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose --> ... Ew... and Ow...
(x) caught a snowflake on your tongue --> THAT is the BEST.
( ) kissed in the rain --> :(

(x) written a letter to Santa Claus --> When I lived in Florida
( ) been kissed under a mistletoe --> Try, never been kissed.
( ) watched the sun set with someone you care/cared about --> But GOSH that's so cute! :(
(x) blown bubbles --> HECK YES.
(x) made a bonfire on the beach --> It was sooo fun!

( ) crashed a party
( ) have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people -->Ew...
(x) gone rollerskating/blading --> Yeah, the last time I did that (Summer before 5th grade...) I totally sprained my wrist... THAT sucked.
(x) had a wish come true --> Not for long...
( ) humped(by) a monkey --> (You know me)
(x) worn pearls --> Yay... :D
( ) jumped off a bridge
(x) screamed "penis" in class --> My health teacher my freshman year MADE us yell "Penis" and "vagina" in class... It was hysterical.
(x) ate dog/cat food --> Cat food... I HAD to try it... If cats liked it.. Then I should have too!
( ) told a complete stranger you loved them

(x) sang in the shower --> Try every day!
(x) had a dream that you married someone --> Yeah, and I managed to (miraculously) get pregnant like... The same day.
(x) glued your hand to something --> oops.

( ) got your tongue stuck to a pole
( ) kissed a fish
( ) worn the opposite sexes clothes
(x) been a cheerleader --> As a youngin.
(x) sat on a roof top --> Bekah and Sarah's... It was terrific... We used to jump off the roof and onto the trampoline!!

( ) madeout at a church
(x) screamed at the top of your lungs --> Yeah, often... Like when it rains, and I get really wet, then I have to get in the car... and I'm by myself... Or with Emily...
(x) done a one-handed cartwheel --> YES!
(x) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours --> A LONG time ago..
(x) stayed up all night --> FAR too often.

( ) didnt take a shower for a week
( ) pick and ate an apple right off the tree
(x) climbed a tree --> THAT'S some fun stuff.
( ) had a tree house --> My neighbors have a really awesome one.
(x) are scared to watch scary movies alone --> AHHHHHH. TOTALLY.

(x) believe in ghosts --> Sometimes...
(x) have more then 30 pairs of shoes --> :\ Heh heh.
( ) worn a really ugly outfit to school --> I'm too picky about what I wear.
(x) gone streaking --> HAHAHA... Cough.
( ) played ding-dong-ditch

(x) played chicken fight
(x) been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on --> THAT'S SO FREAKING ANNOYING.
(x) been told you're hot by a complete stranger --> THAT'S SO FREAKING CREEPY.
( ) broken a bone
(x) been easily amused --> ALWAYS.

(x) caught a fish then ate it --> We cooked it first....
(x) caught a butterfly --> Yeah, but they scared me, so I'd get rid of them REALLY fast.
(x) laughed so hard you cried --> On a weekly basis...
(x) cried so hard you laughed --> Lewis Blackman's funeral... :)

(x) mooned/flashed someone --> I had a cami on... But they were across a HUGE street in Hawaii at the hotel across from us... It was SO funny.
(x) had someone moon/flash you- Those guys... OH, and all of the guys at Brevard... And some in GB...
(x) cheated on a test --> Soooo ashameeed...
(x) forgotten someone's name --> It's so embarrassing.

(x) slept naked --> Well, I had underwear... It's just comfortable that way.
(x) French braided someones hair --> I used to be really good at it... Now I suck.
(x) gone skinny dippin in a pool --> Quite a few times...
( ) been kicked out of your house --> No, that's stupid.

xoxo Cate
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