April/May stuff in Taiwan

May 15, 2007 18:34

It's been forever since I posted again, but it's not like i was able to do a whole lot while it was raining.  i've been busy with school this quarter, and May weather has been great.  Tat and the fact that my postings would've been all music stuff, and not so much about Taiwan.  Ok, here's a recap on the last month and a half or so.

Spring Break:
While it rained during the day, nights were great, and I spent it going to a bunch of places i'd been to during the daytime at night.  I have pics to post, but haven't posted any on facebook yet.  I'm reorganizing albums, taking down older stuff, yada yada yada.  Spring Break evenings were spent tasting wine, chocolate and cheese one evening with friends, and it was cool to sit around and relax like that.  I have a cetain affinity for really good chardonnay and merlot, though I'm more of a white wine the red wine person.  Merlot's great when paired with good chocolate!!  Chardonnaay is great with crackers topped with whipped cream cheese and fruit spreads.

April Post-Spring break:
My teacher was flying through the first few chapters wer were studying in class, so the first two weeks after break were spent studying a lot and trying to stay ahead of her, so the material wouldn't look completely foreign in class.  I went to National Palace Museum again for the umpteenth time- hey, displays change every few months, so you see something new all the time.  I started making jewelery again, and visited different craet stores w/JoAnna b/c we decided to get atrsy and all that.  Oh!  I began writing letters to troops oversaes to lift their spirits and such.  I ded it before whwen my cousin was in the millitary, and decided to start doing it again.  I haven't heard anything bak yet, but I just started, so yeah...  Oh! I went to the premiere of an private art gellery that opened, and saw some family freinsd there and caught up a bit.  We've got a date set to really catch up later.  Ultimate frisbee started up again after a hiatus with heavy downpours, so I'm pumped for the new season!!

It's still May, but here's the first half of the month in a nutshell.  The weather's been beautiful ,and it's not a dowpour in the morn ings, so I've been running before class and on weekends at different parks around Taipei.  I've got my running buddy, though we prefer to go different routes once we get there.  I also volunteered at a chairty event to climb to the top of Taipei 101 (91st floor if I want to be technical). 91 floors in just under 31 minutes baby!!  Woooo!!!
I had to write a paper on US geography, imports, and exports for class, and we had to read them today.  I think I went overboard with writing, but the histiry major in me added lots of detail.  Now, it's back to studying for a final I have thursday... yay...

Congreatulations to everyone that's graduated back home!!  Best of luck to all of you!!  Everyone else, enjoy the summer!!  I'll be in Taiwan for the next three months, then who knows after that.  Miss you all!! Peace.
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