Jul 10, 2011 17:47

[Recovering from the Independence Day incident wasn't easy. Crowe still had nightmares the last few days that, while fading now, were hard to shake. That feeling of being two people in one was unsettling, not knowing which was right.

At least his room has a lot of reminders of which Calleo was the right one. All his things from home, all the photos he's taken with is friends in Mayfield. Those notes from Lucas. That goofy hat Kay and Adolph found in the western town. The pendant from Norway. His extensive journal chronicling his time here, all the horrid events Mayfield has put him through. A journal he is now writing in, filling in the details of July Fourth, and the body of Jane Smith, also known as Samantha Achewood.

Once he's done, he'll place a call to the town. Filtered from the usual NPCs:]

Hi everyone. Um. I-I know it's been a difficult week, but we need to try to understand what happened. I think... I-I was wondering, maybe we should have some sort of town meeting? I know we have the pamphlets, but I think it would be good to get everyone together to discuss things that have happened in this town. Get everyone up to speed, let them know what we're dealing with, answer questions, share information... We're all in this together, right? Whether you want to go home or not, I-I think we can all agree that, at the very least, we'd like to get to the bottom of this place so that, um, e-even if we can't go home, we really can make this a decent place to live.


[Later, Crowe's out and about with his camera. He hasn't taken it up in awhile, and with this great summer weather, the town is crawling with people. He wants to clear his head, and take some fun pictures for the collection. His mission: to record the non-droned people in this town. He keeps a large photo album with names with people's names. It's a nice record of the people as they should be, before Mayfield brainwashes them. You might find him trying to snap some candid photos. Care to pose, or are you photo-shy? Crowe's a good climber, so you also might find him sitting in high tree branches, on your rooftop, at the peak of Makeout Point - anywhere he can get a cool shot. Come bug him!]

busy bee, running jumping climbing trees, wannabe detective fail, new projects

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