[Crowe had a good time at the prom! Well, for the most part. It was sort of all over the place for him emotionally, as there was good parts and bad parts. One of the weird parts, though, was that he had one too many cups of that spiked punch. Sure, he knew there was going to be alcohol in it, and Crowe never drinks, so he ended up getting ahead of himself. He's not that far gone, but this still resulted in animated conversations with unfortunate prom goers, awkward times with friends, some yelling at classmates, and now needing to be escorted home by his date. Whoops. Sorry, Flay. He'll be super apologetic about it in the morning.
Residents of 1247 Williams will find Crowe coming in late, stumbling to find the light switch, failing, knocking over the coffee table and then just flopping onto the couch. Screw it, he can sleep there in his $1,500 suit, it's cool.