Jul 03, 2004 20:51
(( Friiday )) - Yeah well I had summer school to start off with, and after that my mom picked me up *2o* fucking minutes late so I was pissed about that. Then we went to her work for me to do some oh so fucking wonderful *FILING* for her, which is *HER* damn job that she gets payed for doing. So yeah, I spent like 4 hours doing that, but we finally left at like 5 and then went home for a lil bit. Hmm, I ate (( FoR oNc3 )) and my mom was checking something on the computer and then looking for directions to Krisin's *or I should say MY* Grandma's house. LoL. But as it turns out, they were to her OLD house, so yeah that kinda screwed us over right there. So I called Kristin and got the actual directions, then I got my shyt together, and my mommy drove me out there. When we got to her house, Abbey came walking right behind Kristin and my mom all freaked out cuz she was the cutest lil thing ever! Haha, but yeah, can't really disagree with her on that one.
So yeah, we were talking for a while and went online, then went for a walk around the neighborhood and stuff like that. We, or should I say *ii* ended up calling Shawn and yeah, they talked for a lil. Hmm, then we got back here and talked somemore, got in a fight with Erin, but Grandma said we hadda get off cuz she was tired and wanted to go to bed, so yeah, we left and went to watch (( Mii BeSt FrRiiEnD`s WeDdDiiNg )) for like the first time ever. Haha, that's even AFTER we put up all those away messages like a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago! :-P Haha, gotta love us! But yeah, we only watched like half of it and then we went to bed at like 11:30. Sw3eT dReAmS!
(( ToDaY )) - Hmm, we got up around 7 something, which was wayyyy early for me, but I can't complain. Haha. But yeah, we talked for a lil and went online and then MAD3 3GGS! OmG. Haha, that was great! You s0o0o shoulda been there. First, Kristin put the butter in the pan and put it on high right before Grandma yelled not to. Then she came back on the comp and did something, which ended up meaning the butter was still sitting in the pan burning. Haha, so she came back into the kitchen and saw it and said it was ugly and brown, so of all things, she puts WATER on it! OmFg! I so could not believe she did that, but that's Kristin for ya! *<3* So yeah, Grandma came in and did it for her the right way, and she started all over again. This time, she did EVERYTHING right except for the fact that she wanted to put in the eggs in the pan when they weren't even mixed yet. Haha, Grandma had to come back AGAIN and mix 'em up for her, and then we poured them in the pan and Kristin started actually cooking them. LoL. FINALLY! Jesus, but yeah. Let's just say *CHEEEEEEEEEEEEESIES ROCK!* LoL. Yeah, you probably wouldn't get it, but we sure as hell do. To make a long story short, we made the eggs GOOOOOOOOD and yeah! Moving on!
After breakfast, Grandma talked to Stacy (( not mii )) and we chased Abbey around the friggin yard, but yeah that was fun. LoL. Then we came back in here for a lil and looked for some stuff. For the majority of the day, we tried to find a way into the Falls to go to the parade and the fireworks, but that didn't work out as well as he had planned. Oh yeah, we went for a walk, too. Haha, but yeahhhhh! :-P Haha, we got Grandma to take us to Stacy's house and we chilled there for like 3 hours and it started pouring so we called my mom to come and get us and bring us back to Grandma's house. Oh yeah, we went to McDonald's first. Haha. Yeah, don't think you needed to know that, but I decided to tell ya anyways! :) Uhh so yeah, we got back here and came on and talked and called Shawn and Jai, but they didn't answer the phone, which sucked major time! :( But yeah, finally Shawn answered, but Kristin ended up hanging up on him, so yeah.
Now, we're watching (( RoAd RuLeS )) and yeahh. Can't wait till tomorrow. Hittin Slinger w.Kristin and stuff for firworks, so that should be awesome. Just hope it doesn't get rained out. :-\ But yeah, we'll worry bout that in the morning.
Hmm, I dunno what else to say about this weekend, but if you wanna take a look at the rest of it then knock yourself out!
(( Jai Xavior Cortez )) - I love you so much sweetheart! Miss you like crazy, too. Thanks for everything! I couldn't ask for more! *MwAhS bAb3* Remember, it'll happen one day! :-D
(( Kristin Nicole Guth )) - This weeked was awesome. Can't wait till tomorrow, but don't worry about Shawn. Everything's gunna be okay, and even if he is an asshole, you can always do better *trust me on this one* but no offense, so don't take it the wrong way. ii LoVe Ya ThO!
Well, I'll update tomorrow. Comment if you wanna.
- - -<3 Stacy Lee *Cortez*