the whole of the law?

Jan 03, 2008 23:16

I have spent the day on the phone to a friend of almost 10 years. He is in the midst of a considerable emotional (existential) crisis. He spoke for hours, and thanked me for listening.

The whole time it was if he was reading my mind back to me. I consider him my little brother. Tonight he was an unexpected mirror, part from the past, part from the present.

Some who seek meaning for our existence, do so because without meaning all is futile. pointless. nothing. We may distract ourselves with work, dull our thoughts with self medication, anything to turn our face from the lack of meaning. We create substitute meaning to cling to by inventing responsibility, routine, necessity, obligation...

Yet we exist without reason. We breathe, bleed, laugh, hear, we are alive, we just...are. Why must we have a reason?

If all is futile, unreal, if nothing is true - if there is no point then we cannot miss it.

The point, that is :)

We are. It is allowed.

an ye harm none, do what thou will

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