Feb 17, 2005 17:59
Today was not a good day.
Well, it was okay..but not much more than that.
So first off is the Chicken dissection.. which because it was such a big thing, we didn't finish like the other groups got to - and then people decided to walk around criticizing it. Have YOU ever tried to dissect a chicken? It's really hard just because of the amount of mass in our chicken. And the chicken was pregnant, so it was even bigger.
And then it sucks that I didn't rock as much as I had hoped on the Verba Scienda terms test. Yeah, I got a good grade.. but not what I wanted.. the rest of my day was like that too.
So then I get back late from Latin for the convocation.. and that ends..
And it's time for serenades,
now not only do I have to wait until close to the end to get the serenade, they don't even sing a love song. And the person who was supposed to be serenading me wasn't there. So I was really just not in the mood for it. It was a nice gesture and I'm flattered, but so far my day was not so cheerful, because I had seen the cast list for HoBA.
Now don't get me wrong - I'm SO appreciative that I got in - I'm glad he thought I was good enough.
But obviously I wasn't good for Bernarda, and I really really really wanted Bernarda. I kept telling myself, it's unrealistic to think you could get it. I was flattered enough that he called me back for it. How can a freshman, with no leading role experience, get the title role up against seniors? It's just not possible. But then everyone had to go and say but you were so good! or you never know with him.. which just sets me up to fall. How could I have been stupid enough to think I was as good as Caley or Mary? Cuz I can't be. I'm not. And I wish I hadn't thought that.. so now not only am I not Bernarda.. but I'm one of the mourners.. who as far as I know don't really do squat but one scene and they're running crew. Not that i'm complaining cuz you know it's really great to get in, and by auditioning you say you'll accept any role. but that doesn't mean I have to be joyous about it. And I'm so happy for everyone who's all like enthusiastic and happy with their stuff..but right now I'm just feeling like crap. I wish I hadn't been auditioning for a part I knew I couldn't get.
So yeah, my day has been one disappointment after another.
And it sucks.
So I ate chocolate.
And that sucks.
So now I'm going to go feel sucky more.
Just do me a favor and don't comment with any "you should be grateful to him" things,
I already said it's good to just get in.
It's my journal, I can say what I want and if you don't like it.. don't read my journal
It's that simple.