(no subject)

Apr 07, 2008 22:55

i miss you, i know you're gone for a good reason and its only until 2nite, but i do really miss you and i hope im better for you when you get back.. cuz im really tired of the fighting.. i love you, bye my little peach swirl <3

wow.. who knew this was a draft.. i didnt.. maybe at the time i did though lol.. it's been so long since i wrote in this.. me and angela are still together in a weird way.. it's been almost 5 years and well.. i dont know if it's me, but im not happy. it could be because every 6 months she likes to go off and do her own thing with other guys.. i made a list and it came out to 26 people since we've met.. the guy this time is cory.. he's tall, blonde, has a mustache, and is well.. going bald.. heh.. it kills me. my life sucks.. if she would just be faithful and happy with me i'd be ok and so would she.. but she told me she was just using him cuz he has a car and buys her shit and well.. wtf? she hurts me so much just to use people.. i mean, im glad she isnt serious with him, but why me? i deserve so much better from her.. one day i guess.. what can i say? love is blind.

i have to get this off my mind.. theres this fucked up rumor going around where angela works and either cory or bill started it and it's so frustrating.. i know you cant stop rumors from happening but fuck.. i dont fuck other people and either cory is trying to get angela to hate me or bill is bitter about me turning him down but it fucking sucks.

she also told me she doesnt think she even ever liked cory more than a friend, she originally started doing things with him because i wouldnt leave her alone about talking to him and now she's using him because he has a car, gets her things, and that he annnoys the hell out of her.. oh well, she still does things with me so guess she isnt faithful to him either, huh? i feel like im going crazy cuz i dont know if she's telling me the truth, but she was venting pretty badly about him and how she wants to leave him soon.. so time will tell its tale.. if thats even how the saying goes.

ok, i love you baby!
sorry about writting about what you say to me in secret, but i couldnt keep it inside anymore, just like you couldnt.. and i mean, hey.. its not like i told anyone! just my journal. =P sweet dreams and i'll see you tomorrow =)
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