May 07, 2001 10:57
Looking at my interest page, been adding and subtracting as I think about it.I could change 50 things a day and really mean it. One day I really am intersted in asparagus and hotels made completely of ice, and the next day I'd rather talk about sustainable living and gentrification. Does that make me fickle or multi- faceted?And I feel alittle funny for not having some of the most important elements of my life in there, but I think it's best to keep them out of here. They are more than interests, they are what give my life meaning, what define it, but they are separate from this. In order to give them what they need, I need to be as full a person as I can be. And that means having a little corner of the world that is all mine.A little scrap of turf that I claim for my own. Here.I've been struggling like a salmon to create, or resurrect, who I am outside of my roles as provider and partner,integrate my new roles and experiences into a new person, because the fuller life is, the more one needs private space.So just because I don't talk about my snuggly entourage, doesn't mean that they aren't my focus in life, they are just not my focus in here.