Happy birthday, Will

Apr 23, 2006 23:26

In addition to being St. George's Day, today was also the birthday of our favorite Bard. Naturally, the Globe theatre wasn't going to ignore that, so they held a party in a unique theatre style, and let everyone in free.

The Globe always has a theme for each season, and this year it's Romans. Therefore, we were treated to displays of Roman military prowess in the Globe. But more on that later. First, the celebrations began with the arrival of Queen Cleopatra. She was rowed down the river on a boat, complete with gold canopy, trumpet players, and drummers beating the time.

This boat was escorted by two smaller ones (and a few rather more modern police boats).

Cleopatra made her way through the crowds to the gates, where she made her welcome speech. The common folk were kept in order by Roman legionaries.

In the theatre itself, the festivities involved several games, which were judged with a truly authentic contraption.

And then there were lessons on how to properly execute a theatrical Shakespearean death.

As you might be able to tell by these pictures, I was a groundling to watch these proceedings, standing in the center of the theatre. If you ask me, that's the best place to be, because you can claim spots right up front, so close you're leaning on the stage.

But wait! There's more! These were Romans, remember. Of course they had to have gladiatorial fighting, complete with pompous official.

And back outside, the rest of the soldiers were drilling turns and march steps.

Yes, one of them is wearing a lion skin. And another one has a bear skin. And somewhere in the back, there's a somewhat barbaric-looking fellow in plaid.

I think the bear skin may have had some effect on his mind, because he just stood there growling.

So, happy birthday, William. Here's to another 450 years.

After that I met some of my classmates at a park, and we played a two and a half hour soccer game. We were playing with one of our teachers and several of his middle school students who, if they were all on a team against us, would have beaten the crap out of us. As it was, we all split up so it was fairly even, and it was amazingly fun. Fencing had better happen next year, because I need to get outside and run around on occasion. And also I was drooling over the gladiators' swords at the Globe.

shakespeare, england

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