Yay, I'm all caught up! Yes, I watched the whole fifth season in approximately two weeks. Good times. And after the finale, I have two thoughts:
1. Does this mean we get to have Rory as an actual full-fledged companion, along with Amy? I really, really hope so. Actually, I kind of wish that had happened this season, because then maybe it wouldn't have taken until the finale for Rory to start developing a real personality and we would have gotten a unique Doctor-Amy-Rory relationship instead of Doctor-Rose-Mickey version two. But I have faith for next season! And I'm excited for the idea of all three of them running around the universe. Please, show producers, make it happen!
(This is not to say I didn't like this season, because I did. It sort of felt like everyone was still getting their bearings, which is to be expected, but it was still good. I just want next season to be even better!)
2. I hope the Doctor really does buy a fez, the dorkier the better. (Or more likely, steals--excuse me, borrows--one from somewhere.) And then he should wear it everywhere and get all sorts of weird(er) looks. Because that would be funny.
To illustrate this point, here are a bunch of gratuitous pictures of the Doctor wearing hats.
(With Sarah Jane, also in a hat.)
The top hat would also be acceptable. I just like hats, and I like the Doctor wearing the most absurd outfits possible.
(According to one of the websites where I found these pictures, Matt Smith also hopes his costume evolves to include a hat. I have hope that it will happen.)