APPLICATION [ mandalus ]

Oct 23, 2012 17:01

Name: Luis
Personal Journal: megasquip
Contact: megasquip @ plurk / puertorican12187 @ aim
Timezone: UTC-06 / Central Time
Current Characters: None

Character Name: Son Gohan
Character Journal: perfectscores
Canon: Dragon Ball Z
Canon Point: DBZ Episode 287, after Majin Buu's defeat

Canon Building: The Lookout. While it's not as important to Gohan as it is to other characters in the series, it does serve as a sanctuary during a lot of the story arcs that Gohan has been involved in. On a more personal note though, it's also where his teacher (and surrogate father figure) lives, so Gohan likes to visit this place as often as he can.

History: Gohan's biography in the Dragon Ball wiki.

Personality: All in all, the best way to describe Gohan is as a pacifist. Despite having been forced into his father's world of fighting at an extremely young age, he has a noticeable opposition toward the idea of fighting with the intent to kill, as shown throughout his fight with Cell in which Gohan was trying to give Cell the chance to walk away. This most likely stemmed from his belief that life should be cherished and protected, which also makes him rather unusual considering his saiyan heritage.

However, after years of fighting with elite warriors, alien overlords, biological androids, and beings of evil incarnate, his views on pacifism have conformed to the idea that not all individuals want to protect life like he does. Nonetheless, when he is forced to fight, he shows special interest in protecting his family and friends, rather that actually testing his limits and/or defeating his opponent. And this is part of what sets him apart from all the other fighters he knows; his pure and utter selflessness when fighting.

While his family and friends fight to protect people as well, some of them also have their own personal reasons for fighting. Goku (his father) wants to become stronger every day to fight tougher opponents. Vegeta wants to become stronger than Goku and defeat him one day. Piccolo wants to make up for the sins of his evil father by helping defend the planet. But Gohan has no true personal reason to fight. He doesn't want to become stronger, or defeat a specific someone, or make up for anything. He was simply born with a great power, trained to use it well, and thrust right into the conflict. And despite having been a cowardly child at first, he's grown well into his role as a hero. Because that's exactly what he has become: a selfless hero who only wants to preserve and protect life.

Still, that's not how he views himself. While his heroic nature is practically ingrained into him at this point, and he does acknowledge that he can be viewed as a hero, Gohan also carries a guilty conscience with him. This is mostly due to the fact that he remembers the things he did wrong in his life more than he remembers the things he's done right. So rather than do things like celebrate the fact that he single-handedly defeated Cell and saved the entire planet, he'll wallow about the fact that he feels responsible for the death of his father during the conflict with Cell. And it's these mistakes that Gohan carries with him, burdening him and making him feel even more like a failure when he makes more mistakes. However, this feeling of inadequacy also ties in to one of Gohan's strongest emotions when pushed into a corner, and the source of his hidden power.

His anger.

This is the only aspect of his personality that contrasts with his pure and gentle heart. And when unleashed, it turns Gohan into a verifiable nightmare. Having the physiology of a saiyan and a human, Gohan has an unnatural reserve of power that can only be tapped into when his emotions run high. But out of any other emotions he might have, it's his anger that provides the strongest bursts of power. That anger has been known to blind him when he's under emotional stress, to the point where his personality becomes twisted. His selfless and amicable nature becomes hateful and impulsive, and on some occasions, controlling and sadistic. This is shown when Cell pushes Gohan into the Super Saiyan 2 transformation through torture, and we see for the first time how terrifying Gohan can truly be. Despite having the power to finish Cell off with ease, Gohan used his power to control and torture Cell back, drawing out the battle only to watch his opponent suffer under his awesome power. The best words to describe Gohan in this state of mind are cold and unforgiving.

Nonetheless, even despite the levels of anger he exhibits in this state of mind, his driving force remains unchanged. Even with how twisted he becomes, his anger still stems from his desire to protect people. In the fight with Cell, the only way Cell was able to push Gohan into this kind of corner, was to threaten and torture his family and friends, and pick at his inability to go and help them. So not only was Cell picking away at his insecurities and inadequacy, but he was doing the one thing that Gohan could not stand under any circumstances; putting the people he cares about in danger. In a way, Gohan's anger can be considered both his greatest strength and his most crippling weakness. It gives him incredible power, but it also completely blinds him and makes him lose all reason.

The battlefield isn't the only place he excels at though. When not fighting, Gohan is an incredibly studious individual, having a college level education before even becoming a teenager. He was tutored from a young age, his mother making sure that he had the best teachers. And as such, he's incredibly book smart, able to ace pretty much any subject without the slightest difficulty. However, despite his incredible book smart, he's still relatively clueless about the world as a whole. He may have defended the planet multiple times, and have the level of education required to have a career in pretty much whatever he wanted, but nonetheless, he knows nothing when it comes to being a member of society. He's lived in the woods his whole life, his social interactions having been limited to his family and his father's friends, who are all fighters in their own right. So when it comes to things like interacting with other students in high school, Gohan is immensely awkward and never quite sure what to say half the time, usually falling back on his manners that his mother drilled into him. Nonetheless, his goal is to become a great scholar, so he's still dedicated to studying as much as he can, despite already being overqualified for any kind of university.

All things considered, Gohan is a kind and caring individual, if sometimes naïve and dense. He's well-mannered, quick to learn, and can be easily intimidated by authoritative women (blame his mother), but like all saiyans, fighting is in his blood. The only difference is that his interests lie in protecting his loved ones rather than simply looking for a challenge. But even with his obvious power set aside, he still wants to help people by becoming a scholar and teaching some day. He's pure gold, second only to his dad.

Imported Character History: N/A

Powers/Abilities: Martial Arts - Gohan's been trained in the martial arts by Piccolo at the age of four, mostly through survival training, trial by fire exercises, and sparring matches. His training continued with his father for the next few years after that, and eventually he learned to train alone, but the discipline and experience gained from all that training, as well as his hybrid physiology, has made him into a very formidable martial artist.

Life Energy - Also known as ki. Thanks to his training, Gohan can freely manipulate his own ki and put it to use in a number of different ways, such as to fly, manifest it into energy blasts, generate barriers, and naturally enhance his physical attributes by "powering up". This is only a basic generalization however, as ki is extremely versatile, and can be used in a number of ways. His main energy techniques are the Kamehameha, and the Masenko.

Saiyan Physiology - As the first Human-Saiyan hybrid, Gohan's physiology allows for him to posses beyond superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, and stamina. This is mostly in part due to the fact that saiyans were bred and trained for war and battle, so their physiology has adapted over the years to reflect that. Not only that, but it also makes him much more adept at the art of freely manipulating his ki, since saiyans have a naturally higher ki reserve than most species.

Super Saiyan - As one of the few Super Saiyans in existence, Gohan has access to incredible levels of power, capable of enhancing his physical attributes and natural abilities to unspoken levels. His first super form has been completely perfected through intense training, leaving him capable of maintaining it without the need to power up or put himself through physical and/or mental strain. However, his second form-- while way more powerful than the first form-- is still unstable, putting Gohan through such a strain that it amplifies his negative emotions and warps his personality. His Super Saiyan forms are inaccessible at this point, thanks to his Ultimate Form.

Ultimate Form - Having gone through the Elder Kai's power-unlocking ritual, Gohan can access all the power from his previous Super Saiyan forms-- as well as any power previously accessed through anger-- without the strain of a transformation, making him much more powerful that he'd ever been before. His father remarked that it even felt more powerful than the Super Saiyan 3 form.

First Person Sample: Gohan post in Asgard Eventide.

Third Person Sample: "Phew!"

The saiyan hybrid exhaled as he wiped the back of his hand across his forehead, a very visible layer of sweat coating him, made even more pronounced by the light of the nighttime moon. He had to admit, he let himself get a little carried away in his training today, but he didn't have to worry about school the next day, so he hoped his parents would let it slide. "It really has been a while since I trained like that though... but, it can't be that late, right? It hasn't been dark out for that... long... huh?"

With his house coming into view in the darkness of the night, Gohan was surprised to find all the lights off. He had to admit though; he always found it awkward to see his house like that the few times it happened. He was never really out that late to begin with, so most of the time he did see his house at night, everyone was still awake. Meaning the lights were usually still on.

... Okay, so maybe it really did get a little late.

It almost looked abandoned like this, really. Which was a creepy thought in and of itself. But Gohan knew better. He could sense all of his family's ki signatures inside the house, sleeping soundly in each of their rooms.

But then something surprised Gohan. "Wait..." He muttered to himself, narrowing his eyes in thought as he gazed at the house. Something was wrong. He could sense a fourth ki signature inside. He didn't recognize it, and it didn't really feel all that different from a regular human's, but fact of the matter was, it was moving around.

... Did someone break into the house?

"Who would even... it's not like we have any neighbors, either..." He muttered to himself, raising an eyebrow. He knew the thief couldn't exactly outrun him, but at the same time, it didn't really make any sense to him. They were out in the middle of the mountains, so who would make the effort to come all the way out here? Still, if someone was going to break into their house, Gohan wasn't about to let them get away with whatever they wanted inside.


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