May 01, 2005 17:17
[Filter: Private]
It is interesting, having people about who will tell me what they think. Tracey Davis, for example. I don't think anyone else, aside from, perhaps, Heathcliff, would have actually come down to take my journal away from me yesterday. And Adam. Dear Lord - he's actually being rational and helpful. It's almost more than I can stand. Though I do appreciate it.
They have all - everyone I've spoken to, anyway - assured me that making an ass of myself won't help my cause. I've no choice, then, but to get over it already.
Yes. I was dumped. Yes. I do did care for her. No. I did not want the relationship to end. That does not mean I should be rude or mean. She said she had reasons. I should take her word for it and deal with the whole situation. I am, after all, seventeen. I can handle a bit of rejection.
I have other things I should be concentrating on as well. Needless to day, I'll no doubt regret the loss of the past few days to drunken idiocy - I should have been studying for NEWTs. Heathcliff has promised to review with me, though, and so I suppose I shall have to put all this behind me.
I'm surprised anyone could even read what I scrawled in this blasted thing. My handwriting really was atrocious.
And, I suppose, at some point, I should apologize to Padma for being such an ass. At some point. I'm not quite sure I want to do it this evening, though. Not quite sure at all.
Anyway, I should go meet with Tracey. I did promise to help her review Muggle monetary systems today and I postponed the meeting until later tonight.